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The Foundation is a nonprofit that empowers physicians to lead in the delivery of high-quality, cost-efficient healthcare. Likes, Following & RTs ≠ endorsement

Sep 15, 2022, 7 tweets

#NPSADay is on Saturday. How will you get involved this year? Start by learning the six actions you can take to prevent #physician suicide at #NPSADay

@drbreenheroes #FirstRespondersFirst

Action 1 is to learn the Vital Signs. Prevention begins with understanding suicide warning signs. The HEART acronym helps to easily remember the signs: Health, Emotions, Attitude, Relationships and Temperament. Learn more at #NPSADay

Action 2 is to share suicide prevention resources. Physicians face many challenges, and there are resources that can provide immediate and ongoing support. Help #physicians by spreading awareness of these resources. Learn more at… #NPSADay.

Action 3 is to prepare before a moment of crisis. We encourage #physicians to create a personal crisis management plan to determine coping strategies & resources you may need in a moment of crisis. Learn more at #NPSADay

Action 4 is to check in with a #physician. If you know someone who is struggling, reaching out and having a meaningful conversation can be a critical step in helping them get the support they need. Learn more at #NPSADay

Action 5 is to understand and remove structural barriers. #Physicians face six key structural barriers to seeking #mentalhealth care, including credentialing applications, lawsuits and insurance requirements. Learn more at #NPSADay #StoptheStigma

Action 6 is to create a culture of wellbeing. #Physicians are in crisis & leaders are receiving competing messages on how to support them. We encourage health leaders to take 5 actions to support the workforce and their wellbeing. Learn more at…. #NPSADay

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