Talha Hussain Gulbargavi | طلحہ حسین گلبرگوی Profile picture
Muslim Indian, Dakhni & Gulbargavi. #Journalist, Founder @Deccandigest, Rts≠endorsement. #Engineer #HistoryNerd #freepalestine

Sep 16, 2022, 28 tweets

#Thread #OTD 16 Sept 1931 #Omar_al_Mukhtar was martyred by the Colonial Italian forces. His name is a shining metaphor for the history of freedom & freedom. born in Zanzour, a small village in Libya in 1862. His boundless sincerity & iron nerves made him a legendary rebel.

Basically a village school teacher of the Holy Quran. His early life revolved around home, mosque & school but he went on to lead one of the most important struggles against the colonialism in 20th century.

A key member of the Senussi movement, he's regarded as one of the Biggest Symbols of resistance in the Muslim world. Famous saying attributed to him “We are people that will not surrender, we win or we die.'' became a rallying cry for millions all around the world.

Mukhtar's final adversary, Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, gave his description that is not lacking in respect: "Of medium height, stout, with white hair, beard, & mustache. Omar was endowed with a quick and lively intelligence; was knowledgeable in religious matters, and

revealed an energetic and impetuous character, unselfish and uncompromising; ultimately, he remained very religious and poor, even though he had been one of the most important Senusist figures."

He along with other Senussites defended Chad from the French colonial Empire when they invaded in 1899. After Al-Mahdi died in 1902, Omar was sent back to the north, where he was appointed Sheikh of the problematic Zawiyat Laqsur in Northern Cyrenaica

It all began in Oct 1911, when the Italian Navy anchored on the coast of Libya, General Farafelli of the Italian army ordered the citizens of Tripoli & Ottoman Garrison to flee immediately. The city was evacuated.

Still, despite this, the Italian army, intoxicated with power, attacked Tripoli & destroyed the entire city brick by brick, but this attack did not succeed for Italy. Italians committed a Genocide of Libyan beduoins & Population transfer to make Libya an Italian Colony.

But rather than making people subservient to Italians It, Instead gave birth to an insurgent who, for the next 20 years chased them across the desert & embarrased them. The Rebel was then given the name by which the world knows him "The Lion of the Desert".

Post 1912, OmarMukhtar became a hero & role model for enslaved Libyan youth. His message ws very clear "We are an independent nation, who gave Italy the right to rule & enslave us". Soon he was recruiting the young in his army & expanding the guerrilla War against Colonial Army.

He belonged to a Desert settlement, He was well familiar with Geography & mood of Desert, He made the desert his greatest weapon. Along with his young forces, he wd suddenly appear from a ravine or a grove of palm trees with guns slung over their shoulders on horseback & attack

The war became more and more terrible and bloody day by day. The Italian army installed hundreds of miles of barbed wire across the desert to control the tiger, but instead of reducing its attacks, its attacks increased.

Embarrassed Italians started arresting women & children to put pressure on him. Its estd that they sent more than 125,000 children & women in concentration camps where two-thirds were killed, bt his perseverance & courage never wavered & he continued to fight with all his energy.

In Jan 1929 Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Governor of Libya, reached a compromise with Mukhtar. which they described by the Italians as his complete submission. Big Mistake!! As In Oct 1929, Mukhtar denounced compromise & Declared Jihad Against Colonial forces.

He reestablished unity of action among Libyan forces, preparing himself for the final confrontation. Italians responded by moving 100,000 ppl to concentration camps along the coast, & closing off the Libyan-Egyptian border would be closed off by a fence.

The rebels were deprived of help & reinforcements, spied upon, hit by Italian aircraft, & pursued on the ground by the Italian forces aided by traitors. Mukhtar continued to struggle despite increased hardships & risks, but on 11 September 1931, he was ambushed near Slonta.

The Lion of Desert and his team fell upon a major convoy of the Italian army. Guns started firing from both sides. Umar Mukhtar was seventy when he fell into the enemy's trap; even though it was not easy to control this lion, a variety of misfortunes struck simultaneously.

His horse slipped & he fell to ground, breaking his arm. Even so, he crawled towards his fallen gun, but many Italian soldiers quickly fell upon him. Despite the bravery of his companions, misfortune prevailed over bravery, & the desert turned to mud with blood. he was arrested

Omar Mukhtar, a 70 but Young rebel was presented in chains to the military court full of military officers. Standing alone in a corner of the room, the chained Legend slowly recited the Holy Quran. shortly after, The Italian judge sentenced him to be hanged without delay

The shining star of the history of independence & struggle was reciting the small-sized Quran Sharif held in both hands with the same enthusiasm & attention. He did not lower his smile or satisfaction even slightly.

The judge drew to him and said, "I am very sorry for your death in this manner.” He looked at the judge & said in a loud voice said "why pity, this is a proud & beautiful end of my life."
Upon hearing this, His opponent military leader said "is this a man or a god?

The Judge made him an offer "if you write to your followers to stop the war against Italy, you will be pardoned." For the first time on this offer, his face showed a state of anger & he looked into the eyes of the judge & said

"I use My finger and raise in every prayer to testify to the oneness of Allah Almighty & the prophethood of Muhammad, I would prefer Death a thousand times over writing a letter in support of falsehood with these fingers.

When he was hanged in an open field on September 16, 1931, his confidence & satisfaction were palpable. He exchanged smiles like an innocent child for the last time & after a while, his body was hanging from the rope.

Italy gave up all claims to Libya in accordance with the conditions of the 1947 peace deal with the Allies. Libya proclaimed its independence as the United Kingdom of Libya on December 24, 1951. King Idris I of the Senussi order became the first head of state of Libya.

We do not kill prisoners”
#OmarMukhtar protected 2 Italian fascist prisoners. an angry young resistance fighter said They do it to us.” Mukhtar responded with the famous words: “They are not our teachers.”

"I will outlive My Hangers".. and he surely Does..
The Legend lives even today as he predicted while on His Gallows before being Martyred. #OmarMukhtar is a Spirit of Resistance & an embodiment of what a Mujahid is. #DayofResistance
#UmarMukhtar #Omar_Al_Mukhtar #Umar_Al_Mukhtar

This thread has been summarised, Corrected and Edited beautifully by @Zaknetic and published in @TheCognate_ You can read it here.


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