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"Keep thy motives in heart, with closed mouth. We are those who will weave history with the ringing of the great belfry." ~Words Inscribed on Shandoran ruins

Sep 17, 2022, 28 tweets


We'll randomly bounce around over the last four chapters today! Starting with Koby's predicament - look at the inverted perspective between his scene and Momonga's from early Amazon Lily - same power dynamic at play!


Rayleigh's surprise arrival also hearkens back to him arriving on Amazon Lily after Marineford - similar page layouts and reactions as well. As a result, this again paints Luffy and Blackbeard as inversions in terms of where they interact with Rayleigh in the narrative.

Back to #OnePiece1058 real quick:

The Cross Guild's introduction was particularly evocative to me for a number of character-driven reasons.

It's a perfect inversion of this panel from Syrup Village, with Kuro subduing the Meowban brothers. Bear with me for a sec.


After years of laying low, Kuro returns as a pirate and reminds his underlings of his authority by threat of death.

Crocodile & Mihawk have been miscast as the underlings and are threatening Buggy's "authority" with death. They choose to remain in his shadow.


Kuro and Mihawk also share a common goal, which was kind of surprising to me in hindsight:

Wanting to live a peaceful life.

Kuro doesn't want to be a pirate and Mihawk doesn't want to be an Emperor.


Also, this should have been obvious to everyone, but since Zoro has been taking some inversion cues from Mihawk throughout the New World, it makes sense then that Mihawk returns the favor.

Pirate Hunter vs. Naval Hunter.


Bouncing back to #OnePiece1056 now, Wano and Marineford continue their inverted nature:

After Marineford, Sengoku and Garp step down. Aokiji is nominated, but doesn't ultimately become fleet admiral.

After Wano, Dog & Cat step down and name Carrot King.

Old to young #ONEPIECE

If you've been paying attention to Wano, you know there's a ton of Sabaody references as well.

None is more meaningful than Momo realizing the crew has left abruptly. The listing off of names is a perfect callback to Luffy's cries as he flies to Amazon Lily post-Kuma.

But Wano's ending takes inversions from so many other arcs!

Let's take a look at Yamato, who's taking direct influence from Chopper on Drum.

Both sitting on the top of their home castle before making a decision. And check out the inverted excitement levels for each!


Chopper had an intense personal obligation to stay. He found the choice to leave exceedingly difficult until Luffy abruptly interrupted him.

Yamato's the opposite. They were so hell-bent on heading out to sea until they realized their personal obligation to Wano.


The shot of Luffy, Law & Kid arguing which route to take after Wano hearkens back to the Warlords' meeting prior to Marineford.

The tagline for the Warlords was that they would never be able to work together against WB. Luffy's alliance did just that against Kaido.


Let's get to the fun stuff: Momo and Vivi have had an inverted relationship since Whiskey Peak/Punk Hazard as hidden royals joining the crew.

On Alabasta, Vivi asks if she'll still be considered a shipmate. On Wano, Momo is stunned to learn he still is considered one.


But Momo himself also takes a beat from Brook in his farewell.

The Straw Hats' have been a part of his life for awhile now. Without them, he'll be lonely.

Brook felt the opposite. After experiencing loneliness, he felt joy upon meeting the SH for the first time.


This is the icing on the inversion cake for me:

Vivi already bore a mark that connected her to the Straw Hats. The flag was shown waving at the end of the chapter, emblematic of that pact.

On Wano, Luffy literally gives Momo his flag. But wait, there's more!


Luffy gives Momo his flag as an additional inversion to stealing Foxy's after the Davy Back Fight.

Remember, Kaido and Foxy have their own set of inversions throughout Wano. Now that Luffy has taken Wano from Kaido, he plants his flag there.

#ONEPIECE #OnePiece1057

There's another super important piece to Wano and Marineford's connection that I want to bring up.

Marineford dealt with the sibling dynamic between older brother Ace & younger brother Luffy.

After Wano, Luffy says flat out he feels like Momo *is his little brother*.

Oda of course then pulls a Skypiea thread, having the crew fall off the edge of the island and drop out of the sky an indeterminate amount of height - except when leaving Wano, they know exactly what they're doing *and* how stupid it is.


One other aspect I forgot to touch on: we check in with grandparents after the Wars.

After Marineford, Garp is confronted by Dadan.

After Wano, Sukiyaki finally meets Momo and Hiyori.

The tone of these meetings is... notably different despite both men's inaction.


I kinda laughed out loud on #OnePiece1058 - Franky and Sanji have had an inverted relationship throughout the New World through their backstories on Water 7 and Whole Cake Island respectively.

Now Franky gets to deal with the same bounty poster shenanigans Sanji did 😂

I don't know whether to count this yet as an inversion within the scope of this theory or not, largely because the hard line between pre- and post-timeskip #ONEPIECE gets blurry with this.

But this feels like an intentional callback & the rays even slant in the other direction.

Something else I found interesting...

The build-up to Sabo's call to Kamabakka Queendom is 100% ripped from the call at the end of Little Garden.

If Little Garden's ending is referenced here... is this finishing Wano? Or is this in preparation for the next arc?

I went back & checked - Law's convo with Doflamingo doesn't start the same way as Sanji's talk with Croc, even though both serve the same function within the narrative.

The inversion here was that Croc doesn't know about Sanji, while Law knows about Doffy.


Alright, I know this is the stretchiest stretch ever...

I couldn't help but notice that we don't have a ton of examples of black-white hair inversions in this narrative.

Except for Robin & her mom, and now Hancock & her Pacifista. Idk what it means, but it's there.


Y'all don't have to believe it means anything. It's probably just a coincidence. But one was being hunted, while the other is used for hunting.

We'll see how this plays out, and I'm fully ready to trash this concept, but that's where my mind went.


Two more things before I wrap this up:

Blackbeard arriving to take Hancock's power feels similar to him going after Luffy for his bounty to bolster his reputation post Jaya.

Sea quakes accompany his arrival in both instances, the second time by design.


And lastly... I know it made the rounds, but I'm gonna say it anyway.

Koby has terrible luck.

I do wonder where this is going because Alvida's finisher was clearly referenced in the battle against Kaido. But Koby *was* spared by Alvida because of his vast knowledge...

That DOES however make me realize that Zoro pulled a Koby on his Return to Sabaody 😂

Note to everybody:

Fishing boat =/= Pirate Ship


What this 4-chapter section has emphasized is that inversions are not easy to pin down.

Just in this span, Wano's end features inversions from:
East Blue
Little Garden
Enies Lobby
Thriller Bark
Amazon Lily
Impel Down
and Marineford

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