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Author of Straphanger | Words @nytimes @natgeomag @guardian @wsj | Latest book @lostsupper | https://t.co/PCwxDQdsse | Talks, contact: https://t.co/CGZt8qVc9h

Sep 18, 2022, 7 tweets

"We'll always need big diesel trucks in our cities to deliver freight. It's just reality."

Not so fast. The electric "Cargo Tram" has long been a fixture in many cities in #Europe.


The city of #Karlsruhe uses light-rail vehicles and "tram-trains" to carry consumer goods between city-center hubs, which are then delivered by electric cargo bikes.

TramFret employs old trams to shuttle groceries around in the city of Saint-Etienne, #France.

One of the oldest systems was found in the city of Kharkiv, #Ukraine. Starting in 1932 they used miniature electric locomotives to move mainline freight wagons through the streets.

A city in #Roumania, Iaşi, has even launched a "recycling tram" to collect old electronic consumer goods.

β€žTramvaiul ReciclΔƒrii”

More history on Güterstraßenbahn (Cargo or Freight Trams) here:

Don't get me started on the lost history of cargo transport by electric-powered canal boat! But that's a whole other thread...

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