Sarah Drummonnd Profile picture
Filmmaker Founder Director @theschoolofgood DR of Design, once @wearesnook @cycle_hack Board @lomondtrossachs

Sep 20, 2022, 8 tweets

Been using Dall-E @OpenAI to build out super quick story boards for user journey maps

Works a treat even without specifics to quickly bring to life a story. Game changer


Bit more quick detail, will write blog

These were generated by being specific about a service moment, in this case 'A customer paying at a kiosk in black and white fine line style'

It's less helpful when using as brainstorming tool for developing, e.g service concepts for whole user journeys, it's a mere representation of the end goal but sort of maybe makes you focus on the outcome of the service right?

Buying a home = pictures of people with homes


Not sure about these ones. Useful reflection of what patterns there are in banking apps

When technology mirrors real lyfe

I promised a blog of my early explorations. Here it is.

Early explorations into the use of AI generated images for service design…

If you're interested in learning more about Service Design or a course on how to use AI image generation in Service Design (a fun short course) check out the school and drop us a line on the contact form

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