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Sep 21, 2022, 12 tweets

⏱️ Every two seconds, one person under the age of 70 dies of a noncommunicable diseases - such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes & respiratory diseases.

Almost 9 in 10 of those deaths are taking place in low- & middle-income countries


Along with #MentalHealth, noncommunicable diseases - such as cardiovascular diseases (heart disease and stroke), cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases - cause nearly three-quarters of deaths in the world killing 41 million people every year

Noncommunicable diseases – such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases - are one of the greatest health and development challenges of this century


Major risk factors that lead to noncommunicable diseases - such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes & respiratory disease:
🍟unhealthy diet
🍻harmful use of alcohol
🛋️physical inactivity
🏭air pollution


Eliminating these factors could prevent or delay significant ill health and many premature deaths from noncommunicable diseases - such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes & respiratory diseases


Young people are one of the groups specifically targeted by the tobacco & alcohol industries for advertising of their products, putting them at risk for noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes & chronic respiratory diseases #UNGA

Millions of people - especially in lower-income settings - cannot access the prevention, treatment and care that could prevent or delay noncommunicable diseases and their consequences


Government action is vital in ensuring
❤️‍🩹 Companies play a role in reducing rather than increasing health inequity
❤️‍🩹 That any negative influence of the private sector on health is minimized


1 in 3 deaths - that's 17.9 million family and friends, who die every year from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease & stroke.
Cardiovascular diseases are noncommunicable diseases.

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Almost 9 in 10 deaths from cardiovascular diseases, such as heart disease & stroke, could have been prevented or delayed through prevention and treatment


1 in 6 deaths - that's 9.3 million family and friends dying from cancer every year.

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More than 4 in 10 deaths from cancer could have been prevented or delayed through prevention and treatment.

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