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Sep 21, 2022, 6 tweets

The countdown is on. We are one week away from #REWIREDGreen. Join us on September 28 in San Francisco as we bring together some of the world’s sharpest minds to discuss real solutions on how to tackle #climatechange. wired.trib.al/3EGZaFA 1/6

It’s official.

We’re excited to add @MoreReginaHall to the Re:WIRED Green lineup. She’ll be discussing her work with The Solutions Project (@100isNow), an organization dedicated to bringing grants, media training, and star power to support renewable energy. 2/6

Kicking it off strong—Re:WIRED Green Session I: Avoiding The Worst Case Scenario will dive into the history of life and death on Earth, explore the magnificent power of humanity’s connection to this planet, & draw lessons about what can be done to address the climate crisis. 3/6

Session II: The Future of Food will discuss all things food including how climate change is impacting crop yields and how to ensure there’s enough food for everyone. 4/6

During Session III: Thinking Bigger, speakers will tackle how technology, policy and incentives work together to make positive change. #REWIREDGreen 5/6

Don’t miss out on this awesome experience. Get your tickets now. #REWIREDGreen wired.trib.al/3EGZaFA 6/6

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