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Award-Winning African Journalist. Focus on Kenyan Foreign Policy and Africa. Twiplomacy. Fact Checker. Nairobian. Target is to visit all 55 African states.

Sep 21, 2022, 5 tweets

NEW YORK: #Kenya’s President @WilliamsRuto #UNGA speech

“We are all witnesses to admirable demonstrations of effective solidarity in response to crises in various parts of the world. Our knowledge of the possibility of spontaneous yet resolute global solidarity reinforces…”

“…the African exception as particularly repugnant. From genocides and civil conflict to famine and pandemics, the African continent is consistently left behind to bear the brunt of weak solidarity and disastrous failure of multilateralism.”

“History indicates the last time that Africa was the focal point of strong and effective multilateral consensus was during the Berlin Conferences of 1884-1885, and the character of the ensuing interventions casts a long shadow to date.”- President @WilliamsRuto

“Not to put too fine a point to it, the failure of multilateralism during crises which relegate the people of Africa outside the circle of moral consideration, and normalizes humanitarian neglect and other casual injustices are failures of humanity”- President @WilliamsRuto

“Nothing about Africa or its peoples makes it acceptable for this type of failure to persist in this era, and we have an urgent moral duty to do better. And to right this wrong.”- President @WilliamsRuto

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