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Sep 22, 2022, 10 tweets

Ever wondered about the most expensive #NFT sales to date? 💸

We've rounded up a list of Top 10 Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold and found ONE collection dominating the rankings. Can you guess what it is? 🤔👇

1/ #CryptoPunks (@cryptopunksnfts) make up 50% of the Top 10 Most Expensive NFTs Ever Sold rankings.

2/ The total sale value of all 5 #CryptoPunks in this top 10 list is US$60.8 million. This makes up 19% of the total sale value of all 10 most expensive NFTs ever sold.

3/ At 5th position, CryptoPunk #5822 is the most expensive CryptoPunk ever sold. CEO of Chain, Deepak Thapliyal (@dt_chain), purchased it at approximately US$23.7 million in February 2022.

4/ Ranked 6th, CryptoPunk #7523 is an ‘Alien’ Punk Type which was purchased at approximately US$11.8 million in June 2021 by Shalom Meckenzie – the largest shareholder of DraftKings.

5/ Coming in at no. 8, CryptoPunk #4156 is one of the most notable CryptoPunks – previously featured by renowned digital artist @beeple. It was sold for US$10.26 million in December 2021.

6/ Ranked 9th, CryptoPunk #5577 features the ‘Cowboy Hat’ attribute and was sold in February 2022, for US$7.7 million.

7/ CryptoPunk #3100 comes close, rounding the list at 10th place, fetching US$7.57 million in March 2021.

8/ How did we derive this? Here’s our methodology 💡

• NFT sale price (USD) = Price of NFT in native cryptocurrency X Price of cryptocurrency in USD at time of the sale
• The list was then sorted to show the top 10 most expensive NFTs ever sold in descending order.

9/ Curious to know what other NFTs made the list? Read the full article here:

What breakdowns would you like to see next? Comment and let us know below ⬇️

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