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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Sep 26, 2022, 8 tweets

It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for the Into Space scene in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood

Just a small scene with a couple of references but one that I really like. First, we have Superman pushing Doomsday outside Earth. This is a homage to the Death of Superman storyline (specifically from the comic Superman: The Man of Steel #19).

The homage visually continues for some seconds. Even we see Doomsday punching Superman in the direction back to Earth in #BvS close to how he’s kicked by Doomsday in this sequence from the comic.

Relatedly, in this scene when General Swanwick is talking to the President (voiced Patrick Wilson) you can see in the phone Line 1 - 9375. This could be a reference to Superman #75 (1993) the issue where Superman actually dies (foreshadowing what will come in the movie).

This moment with Superman pushing Doomsday outside of Earth might also be a reference to a similar moment in Injustice: Gods Among Us #3.

And then towards the end, we have the nuclear bomb launching into space in a reference to The Dark Knight Returns #4.

And while the scene ends here with Superman crushing Doomsday (and himself) into the nuclear bomb, the homage to TDKR does not. We’ll have more next week, including a small analysis of how the two stories differ at this point which I think it’s interesting.

So that’s it for today’s thread. Remember if you like this thread or any previous ones, consider donating to the @afspnational Autumn Snyder Fund. Every small amount counts to raise awareness for this cause!…

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