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Sep 28, 2022, 7 tweets

Work affects #MentalHealth & well-being.

1 in 6 working-age adults are estimated to have a mental disorder.

Globally, 12 billion working days are lost every year on account of #depression and anxiety.

🆕 WHO recommended guidelines to protect #MentalHealthAtWork ⬇️

Risks to #MentalHealthAtWork incl.:
🔸under-use of skills
🔸excessive workloads
🔸unsafe working conditions
🔸limited support from colleagues
🔸unclear job role
🔸job insecurity
🔸inadequate pay
& more


Being out of work is also a threat to #MentalHealth.

Unemployment, job and financial insecurity and recent job loss are risk factors.


Decent work supports good #MentalHealth 🙂

For people with #MentalHealth conditions, decent work contributes to recovery, inclusion and improves confidence.

More on #MentalHealthAtWork:

Managers & supervisors play a 🔑 role in protecting #MentalHealthAtWork. With training they can safeguard the #MentalHealth of their staff by:
✅ Identifying & act on job stressors
✅ Strengthening interpersonal management skills
✅ Recognizing & responding to emotional distress

Almost 6⃣0⃣% of the 🌐 population is in work.

All workers have the right to a safe & healthy work environment - this is how:
✅prevent mental health risks
✅protect & promote #MentalHealthAtWork
✅support workers with #MentalHealth conditions


Share your experience of #MentalHealthAtWork:
Have you ever felt like Larry?
How has your work affected your #MentalHealth?

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