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She/her ☌ Scientist ☌ film đŸŽ„ & theatre 🎭 enthusiast☌ Discord mod with https://t.co/rxxUUU9QIA ☌Tolkien đŸȘ„

Sep 28, 2022, 94 tweets

S1.E5 Breakdown of #TheRingsOfPower đŸ§”

Nori (Markella Kavenagh) and The Stranger (Daniel Weyman) are eating walnuts on a plateau in Central Otago, South Island, NZ.



1. `Perils`

Nori first taught the Stranger to speak using sign language (E2).

Weeks later he speaks in the same dialect as Nori. Not surprising as he patterns his speech after her. He's also learning new words & with that a sense of right vs wrong as Nori sees it.



Nori's explanation of perils and death pushes the Stranger to consider that he has the capacity to cause death (`fireflies` in S1.E2).

He recognizes that death (or destruction) is not a desirable outcome.


`That was just an accident. It's... You're not a peril.`

Nori is a strong-willed and hopeful person. Her determination to do good blinds her to the perilous outcomes. From her perspective the Stranger is good (by her estimates) bc he is useful to her and her family.


Nori is firm in her convictions about the goodness of the Stranger. The Stranger accepts her words.

Yet it's a bit unclear if he's fully aware of the difference between doing intentional evil vs the impact of evil from one’s actions (with either good or bad intentions).

2. `My Great Thumb`

Poppy sings her Mother's walking song. Her Mother would've crossed this migratory route many times over her lifetime. The song, therefore, carries the notes of locations along the way, life experience, and the hope of reaching their destination.



`The sun is fast fallin' beneath trees of stone`

Could be a ref to the stone outcrops in the fields around them. This area is somewhere between the Rhovanion Hills and Weedbrook. Mountain range in the background is the Misty Mountains.


`The light in the tower, no longer my home`

The Harfoots left the glade in the forest to journey here. That forest must've been at the edge of Mirkwood (#LOTR)— marked 1.

In S.A., Amon Lanc is home to the fortress of King Oropher of the Silvan Elves— a tower with light!


`Past eyes of pale fire, black sand for my bed`

Could this be a ref to an active volcano, i.e., Orodruin? Black sand is seen to form when lava touches water.

Orodruin would've been visible from the Grey Marshes (future Dead Marshes in LOTR).


The Harfoot migration route is complex. It appears to avoid Mannish/Elven settlements which would be in the central Rhovanion region.

This migratory route suggests that the Harfoots are headed East towards Rhûn. West of the Sea of Rhûn is Dor-winion (home to Entwives).


Thank you to @timboltonuk for his useful insights. He's been keeping track of the Harfoots for ages. Below is his analysis đŸ§”of their migratory route.


Speaking of Entwives— In LOTR, Treebeard recounts to Merry and Pippin on the loss of the Entwives. They had left Fangorn forest to begin a new garden in the East.

We did not know how far East until recently— West of the Sea of RhĂ»n!

3. A Discovery of Witches

Back near the glade of Mirkwood, 3 mysterious figures appear. They seem to be hunting for the Stranger.

These figures are not dressed like regular Low-Men. Who are they and where are they from?



These are the Witches or Morgoth Cultists from Rhûn. In the F.A., Morgoth's ancient power was strongest in the East. (NoME/HoME/SILM)

We met the Rhûnic people in #LOTR where we know them as the Easterlings (ancient enemy of Gondor).

In ROP story: RhĂ»n = Enemy of NĂșmenor


In his fair-form, Sauron's influence in the East was not significant; he could not risk rumors that he was gathering armies. He instead worked thru emissaries to multiply the Eastern legions; they were not allowed to come within sight of the NĂșmenoreans until he was ready.


Appearance of the Rhûnic Witches makes for a strong case that the Stranger is a Blue Wizard.

Blues were tasked with seeking to circumvent Sauron's already weakened influence in the East by helping tribes of Rhûnicians who had rebelled from Morgoth worship. (Peoples)


The Ascetic holds a star-map; the same stars sought by the Stranger.

Could the Stranger be Pallando (Morinehtar 'Darkness-slayer') who is searching for Alatar (RĂłmestĂĄmo 'East-helper')?

Is Pallando being hunted bc the Rhûnicians have captured or know of Alatar?

4. 'Man in the Moon'

"The Man in the Moon was drinking deep,
and the cat began to wail;
A dish and a spoon on the table danced,
The cow in the garden madly pranced,
and the little dog chased his tail."

(At the Sign of the Prancing Pony, #LOTR)


`I wish you could feel it like I do. For soon, it will be gone. And with it, the part of me that knew its warmth as well. I shall miss it.`

Adar speaks of a future without sunshine— Is he planning to cover the skies or lurk deep into a mountain?


Ancestors of the Southlanders who swore a blood oath to Morgoth seem to have survived by giving into the corruption rather than fighting it.

Theo stays behind despite Waldreg's instigation.


`While you were feigning fidelity to the traditions of this isle, these men were living them.`

The success of NĂșmenor depends on the contributions of every worker. Isildur caters doubts of serving in uniform— he cannot prove his worth without commitment to a trade.


Having already lost a mother and a brother, EĂ€rien fears the 'outcomes' of an expedition to Middle-earth that places her remaining family (Elendil, Isildur) at mortal peril.

Frustrated with the political crisis around him— Kemen is swayed to act.


1. Halbrand has been freed from prison and has also been given a smithies guild crest. He forges a steel sword.

"Some metals they found in NĂșmenor...as their cunning in mining and in smelting and smithying swiftly grew things of iron and copper became common." (UT)

2. `And where did the enemy head next?`

Summoned to the Queen's Council. Halbrand shares information abt where the Orcs might be headed.

Having staked her reputation upon it, MĂ­riel expects Halbrand to join their expedition and restore his crown.

3. `You used me`

Galadriel used Halbrand's story to convince MĂ­riel to save the Southlanders.

Halbrand earned his guild crest by telling Míriel (thru Pharazîn) that Galadriel was attempting to visit Míriel's father— an idea Halbrand helped Galadriel realize in E4.



Seeing that Galadriel is not being honest about her own motives for fighting Orcs— Halbrand refuses to be used as a pawn with a crown.




1. `Easier in the dark`

Past The Braids, the Harfoots are close to Dor-Winion now. Their usual rest stop in the woods appears to be blighted with darkness. Poppy and Nori find wolf tracks are observed.

2. `Take their wheels and leave them!`

Malva blames Nori and the Stranger for the lack of food and their unexpected troubles. The Stranger is a curse and Sadoc ought to banish him and Nori's family.

3. `Run!`

The Harfoots are attacked by three wolves. The Stranger intervenes by slamming his arm forcefully to the ground. The impact releases a powerful gust but leaves his arm horrifically bruised.

The defeated wolves give the Stranger a puzzled look before leaving.


`They are untested against this foe.`

Galadriel ("Scourge of the Orcs") warns Elendil that the recruits are inexperienced against fighting Orcs.

Charlie Vickers practiced this sword trick for ages to get right— just to flip it up from the ground with his foot!



1. `Your cousin may hold the scepter`

The government in NĂșmenor involves a King (or Queen) and the King's Council.

The Council is comprised of lords and nobles from each division in NĂșmenor. The King's Heir was also a member so that they might learn how to govern.



Early in NĂșmenor history: "The Council had no powers to govern the King save by advice; and no such powers had yet been desired or dreamed of as needful." (UT)

In this show (c. 3175 T.A.), the people had rebelled against Tar-Palantir and the Council chose MĂ­riel to rule.


Holding the scepter signifies MĂ­riel's right to rule.

"The sixth King left only one child, a daughter. She became the first Queen; for it was then made a law of the royal house that the eldest child of the King, whether man or woman, should receive the sceptre." (#LOTR)


MĂ­riel and PharazĂŽn are cousins. (#UnfinishedTales)

[Kemen is an original character (OC) for the show.]

2. `You could...assert your influence.`

Kemen believes his father is loyal to MĂ­riel (`rightly or wrongly`) but also that he might be persuaded to change his mind. MĂ­riel might be swayed if PharazĂŽn leveraged support from the people against her.

3. `Sometimes the folly of youth is enough to make an old man weep.`

With his gaze fixed towards the map of Middle-earth in his hands, PharazĂŽn explains to Kemen (in parables) that NĂșmenor finds herself in a current that she must master to survive.



`And what makes you think MĂ­riel's mind and my own are not as one on this?`

Kemen perceives his father is weak for giving into the MĂ­riel and Galadriel's plans. He touches a nerve when he suggests that PharazĂŽn is being manipulated by Galadriel.


The hate for Elves isn't fully explained in ROP.

Yet we see that PharazĂŽn harbors a deep hatred perhaps owing to his upbringing by GimilkhĂąd (who like his father before him also hated the Elves and the Faithful). GimilkhĂąd resisted Tar-Palantir as openly as he dared.


His patience with Kemen wearing thin, PharazĂŽn reveals his scheme. He's angry with Kemen for not seeing the influence NĂșmenor can gain on Middle-earth.

This point is lost on Kemen. He doesn't want change in the status quo as he benefits from riding his father's robes.


Tar-Palantir was far-sighted both in eye and in mind. (UT)

MĂ­riel must decide whether to pay heed to her father's word, or continue in this path where she's staked her faith and reputation on whatever lies before her in Middle-earth.


`This place is so evil, our torches give off no warmth`
-Galadriel (S1.E1)

Warmth leaves the water (forming ice) as the Stranger places his hand into it. Could this mean that he may be an inherently evil being?



He also seems to recites specific phrases in Quenya—
-Cala: "Light"
-Calima: " Bright Luminous"
-envinyata: “to renew, heal”

Quenya speaking beings as powerful as the Stranger might hint that he orginated from Aman— Blue Wizard?

[TY to @RokuUltra for help with Quenya!]


Nori gets caught in the ice. She pleads for the Stranger to stop, but he is in a trance.

The spell breaks. Nori is unharmed, but the incident scares her. As he reaches for her, she runs away.

An odd expression appears on his face.


1. Honesty

Durin points to the suspicious behavior of the Elves and their 'urgent' requirements as of late.



Durin makes the most 'honest' inquiry.

2. `Your loyalty to the Dwarf is admirable`

Elrond has probably written several reports to Gil-galad abt his activities in Khazad-dûm, but Gil-galad knows Elrond is hiding some important details from him.



`I went to Khazad-dûm with a proposal of friendship...`

Elrond's time in Khazad-dûm has wizened him to not turn a blind eye to Gil-galad's motivations.

Taken together—
-Why did Gil-galad send Galadriel away?
-Why is Gil-galad interested in KD?
-Why the rush?

3. `You sought something far more tangible, didn't you?`

Elrond accuses Gil-galad of ulterior motives. He is acting out of character— questioning his King.

Perhaps Gil-galad is too taken to the wine to react angrily, or simply likes Elrond enough to let him have his say.



Gil-galad asks Elrond to recount a legend; one that Elrond regards entirely dubious.

Elrond's skepticism is possibly why Gil-galad didn't tell him about his plans earlier— He'd been relying on Elrond's subservience to carry out his plans without asking too many questions.


`Peredhel` (Sind. 'half-Noldor')

Elrond's parentage is mixed. He was a mortal until the Valar gave his father's descendants the right to choose. Elrond chose to become Elven.

Gil-galad is reminding Elrond 'what' he is; 'scolding' him for not doing as he's asked.


The Song of the Roots of Hithaeglir— 'Hithaeglir' is Sindarin for 'Misty Mountains'. Khazad-dĂ»m is located at its mid-point.

1. `It speaks of a battle...over a tree.`

Tolkien wrote that "Yavanna [one of the Valar] would appear in the form of a great Tree (Letter 212)."

To the Elves, trees inhabit the very spirit of the Valar. Trees also symbolize the ‘strength’ of their faithfulness to ManwĂ«.

2. `Within which some claim was hidden the last of the lost Silmarils`

Elrond's words `some claim` suggests that this is an `apocryphal` or folklore aspect of the Song.

Yet this is the real 'hook' in the tale, is it not? Why else is this tree special compared to others?



The `lost Silmarils` also implies the Elves know not of the fate of the two that left Eönwë's camp.

Maglor, who is the last alive to know of the Silmarils, "never [came] back among the people of the Elves" (Chp 24, SILM).

Thus, the Silmarils are akin to the holy grail.


Celebrimbor also shared his perspective, albeit with a FĂ«anorian bias, that the Simarils were capable of stemming Evil itself (S1.E2).

Thus, to the Elves, the Silmarils have the power to stop or arrest any evil (i.e., death & decay). Why wouldn't they revere such power?

3. MYTHril

Lore often has some 'truth' in it; the Elves hold to this.

"But do not despise the lore that has come down from distant years; for oft it may chance that old wives keep in memory word of things that once were needful for the wise to know." (Celeborn, #LOTR)



The elements of truth (per #Tolkien) in this Song include—
-Located `into the depths` of Hithaeglir
-Properties of the ore (`pure and light` & `strong and unyielding`)
-Involves a Balrog

The Elves know much about the 'good' and 'evil' involving the pursuit of mithril.


Here's another thread that explores the "good" and "evil" of the Song in more detail...

4. `Durin was right!`

Piecing his suspicions about Dwarven activity and their secrecy, Gil-galad has deduced that the Dwarves are mining a 'special' ore under the Hithaeglir.

His suspicions are reinforced by his belief that the ore contains the power of a Silmaril.


1. 'Fading' per Tolkien

In a time before the Elves were born, Arda was marred by the actions of Morgoth. Eru decreed that Elves will "remain until the end of [Arda]", i.e., till the end of the First Music of the Ainur beyond which even the Valar know nothing.



Eru's Children have a "spirit" (fëa) and a "body" (hröa).

Owing to Arda's marring, the bodies of Elves weakened over the Ages. Fading was when their bodies weakened to the extent that only their spirits remained in Arda.

S.A. & T.A. Elves were thus weaker than the F.A.

2. 'Fading' per Adaptations

Tolkienian fading is complex & abstract but Tolkienesque fading is less challenging to depict.

In these adaptations, 'fading' is described using the vague phrase "The [Life/Light] of the Eldar".

#LOTRfilms— Arwen's quick decline/'cold' hands



In #TheRingsOfPower— Rapidly 'decaying' tree as an `outer manifestation of an inner reality`.

Elrond spoke of the importance of the Great Tree in Lindon to Durin and Disa as being... `The very symbol of our people's strength and vitality` (S1.E2).


Both adaptations are on par with providing a screen-friendly explanation of 'fading' esp. in terms of its abruptness and imagery.

Yet ROP itself is closer to #Tolkien for using the metaphor of 'suffering trees' to translate fading to our screens.



1. `I ask again, and for the last time...`

This scene is akin to a moment in the courtroom.

Gil-galad is prosecutor and judge. He has asked the one question. Elrond must answer plainly and honestly, or else face the High King's judgment.

2. `I swore an oath to Durin`

In Middle-earth, one does not simply make an oath and break it lest they will doom upon themselves.

#LOTR— Men of the White Mountain broke their oath to Isildur and were not released from it until they had fulfilled their oath.



Yet to also keep an oath to doom others— Elrond also knew that pain.

He was orphaned, a victim of kinslaying, and raised to adulthood by the very FĂ«anorians who were so-compelled by their oaths to retrieve the Silmarils at whatever cost.

3. `Hope is never mere...`

Gil-galad knew war in his youth. His reign as High King had the longest lasting peace.

With Elves in decline, war will come to his borders once again— His choices now are a war over mithril (bc of secrecy) or to forge a closer alliance with Dwarves.

4. To keep or break an oath...

`For many years, at day's end, I would look up...Would he be proud of what I've accomplished with his legacy? Or disappointed by the countless ways I'd failed to live up to it?` (Elrond, S1.E4)


`What was the land immortal hands
Rose up from Sundering Sea?
Land of the gift, land of the star
To shine eternally?
'Twas NĂșmenor
Fair NĂșmenor
Bright isle filled with grace...`



`What was the land immortal hands...Land of gift`

#LOTR— "As a reward for their sufferings in the cause against Morgoth, the Valar...granted to the Edain a land to dwell in..."

S1.E3: NĂșmenoreans no longer believe the isle was a gift; yet their songs bear the truth.


`Rose up from Sundering Sea?`

#UnfinishedTales— "NĂșmenor was so posed as if it had been thrust upward out of the sea..."


`Land of the star...to shine eternally`

#UnfinishedTales— "The land of NĂșmenor resembled in outline a five-pointed star..."

#TheSilmarillion— "Then they went up out of the sea and found a country fair and fruitful...they called that land Elenna ["Starwards"]..."


1. Kemen is frustrated with MĂ­riel's decision for war. Like EĂ€rien he strongly believes...

"NĂșmenor was to be a rest after war. But if they weary of rest and the plays of peace, soon they will go back to their great play, manslaying and war." (-Erendis, #UnfinishedTales)

2. Explosion

Remember how the Orcs used ("gunpowder") bombs to blow up the Helm's Deep rock wall in the #LOTRfilms?

Here the first ship had a 'flashover' from the oil cask/arson fire. Thermal conduction from one ship to the next resulted in a flashover on the second ship.

3. The King's Council chamber is located under the royal palace waterfallđŸ€Ż

4. `Remember your faith...And your father's blessing.`

Míriel has staked her name in `faith` on many fronts—
-Her father’s visions of Galadriel in NĂșmenor & NĂșmenor’s Downfall
-Her visions of Downfall
-Nimloth (The White Tree) shedding the 'tears of the Valar'



MĂ­riel is acting in faith, but she's no fool. Halbrand's unwillingness to claim kingship means NĂșmenoreans are at risk for nothing.

It is unclear if she, like PharazĂŽn, sees Halbrand as their puppet king in one of the most resource-rich realms of Middle-earth.


1. `It is our only salvation?`

Celebrimbor is an artificer— As Arondir explains to Bronwyn that bc Elven bodies heal of their own accord it is the job of artificers to `render hidden truths as works of beauty...beauty has great power to heal the soul.` (S1.E1)



Fading (diminishing 'Light of the Eldar' in adaptations) is where the Elven soul consumes the body to the extent that death (separation of spirit from body) occurs.

"As ages passed the dominance of their [spirit] ever increased consuming their bodies..." (Morgoth's Ring)


Tolkien describes the S.A. Elves as becoming "obsessed with 'fading'...They became sad...their art [and] efforts all really a kind of embalming– even though they also retained the old motive of their kind, the adornment of earth, and the healing of its hurts." (Let. 131)


But will mithril save the Elves? Not according to Gandalf.

"In Eregion long ago many Elven-rings were made...the lesser rings were only essays in the craft..." (#LOTR, Chp 2)

The lesser rings are distinct from "the Great Rings"— mithril is useful but it is not salvation.

2. `I am sorry`

S1.E1— Elrond sought to be accepted by his King. He colluded with Gil-galad to have Galadriel sent away.

S1.E5— Elrond has realized his King had not been honest with him. We have yet to know why. But Elrond must now choose to be wise; not hurt.


1. `You don't know how I survived.`

Galadriel does not question the darkness that envelopes Halbrand— To her the end justifies the means...

`Sometimes to find the light, we must first touch the darkness.`

2. `Because I cannot stop.`

Halbrand spoke of his fear of rejection, but Galadriel had already been rejected by all bc of the darkness in her.

Tolkien wrote, "She proudly refused forgiveness...She was pardoned because of her resistance to the final and overwhelming temptation."


1. `Only blood can bind`

Adar reacts angrily to Waldreg calling him Sauron. It's clear he is not Sauron, and in fact hates him.

Waldreg must bind himself to Adar by committing murder.

2. `I've seen this before`

Arondir has deduced the sword is a key that enslaved the Men who followed Morgoth. The watchtower at Ostirith was also not made by Elves but by these Men.

This also must be the tower that Elendil and Galadriel were discussing in S1.E3.


1. `I did not come... for friendship, but ambition.`

We knew Elrond was not being honest when he came to Khazad-dûm. But seeing that his own King had lied to him, he now realizes that he mustn't lie anymore.

2. `Souls will dwindle into nothing`

In adaptation-speak, Elrond is describing the change into their spirit form.

But Elrond is being a bit dramatic, as Elven souls will be cared for by Mandos. However, the 'abrupt' weakening of Elves will mean no more peace on Middle-earth.

I love Durin IV...


-NĂșmenorean cavalry helmets use horse hair
-Galadriel is possibly wearing either custom armor OR possibly Idril's armor (Noldor/Elven star)

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