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Sep 29, 2022, 11 tweets

SCOOP: San Francisco Unified School District has released a guidebook encouraging teachers to facilitate secret child sexual transitions and to affirm students who use the gender pronoun "it" at school—which, the district says, is the gender-identity version of the "n-word."


According to documents I've obtained from a whistleblower, the district has implemented a radical gender theory curriculum and celebrated "International Pronouns Day," teaching students that they can adopt a wide range of genders and sexual identities.

The district teaches students that they can diverge from from "vanilla sexuality" and become part of the "bisexual umbrella," with sexual identity options including "fluid," "pansexual," "omnisexual," "homo-curious," and "hetero-flexible."

The district also released a guide on "affirm[ing]" students who use "it" pronouns, explaining that it "has a long history being used as a slur to dehumanize trans and gender non-conforming folks," but can be "reclaimed," as African-Americans have done with the "n-word."

The district has created a system for facilitating child sexual transitions for its K-5 students, telling children that they may choose a different name and set of pronouns than the ones they use at home, and that this new identity will be kept secret from their parents.

The district's policy is to facilitate child sexual transitions without notifying parents. "[Students] have the right to be 'out' at school, and to not have that information that they are 'out'—with new pronouns, with a new identity—in any way shared with those folks at home."

According to district policy, parents do not have the right to opt-out of the lessons on "gender identity" and "sexual orientation," which are incorporated into the curriculum for English, social studies, arts, and other subjects.

In middle school, San Francisco Unified begins promoting a program called "Q Groups," which is designed to "connect students to mental health professionals and clinics that offer gender-affirming health services," such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and gender surgery.

In sum, San Francisco Unified has created what @LeorSapir has called a "a school-to-clinic pipeline," beginning in elementary school with secret child sexual transitions and concluding in middle and high school with referrals to "gender-affirming" medical treatments.

Read my full report in City Journal:…

P.S. I'm working an investigative series to expose radical gender theory in American schools. If you'd like to support this work, you can become a monthly subscriber here:

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