Update 🧵September 29th.
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GSUA reported 89 shelling locations today.
FIRMS Data: 2022-09-29_18:27
Added 74 locations to kml
Filtered 166 locations by proximity to other fires
Removed 62 false positives
Heavy fighting seems to be going on in the surrounding settlements. In Vil'shana the orcs are stealing all the cars.
Shandryholove liberated according to geolocated images.
Shellings indicate further advances north by the AFU. Drobysheve seems like a hard nut to crack, but crack it will. To the south east, the AFU are attacking in the Zarichne - Yampil direction.
Bakhmut north.
Ruaf Attacked in the direction of Vyimka and Bakhmutske. The attacks were repulsed by the AFU. 57th Motorized Rifle brigade is in this area, they have taken in reinforcements from he split up 3rd Army Corps.
Bakhmut south
This is the same thing as the last few weeks, RuAF focusing on attacking south of Bakhmut. There is no or very little progress for RuAF. All these attacks were repulsed.
RuAF keep attacking in the same areas. Pervomais'ke, Pobjeda, Novomykhailivka and Pavlivka. There was even a shelling reported in the area of Pisky today. Ukrainian ĂĽber soldiers successfully defended their positions.
Very little information is coming out from the Kherson - Zaporizhzhia section.
According to two pro russian channels the AFU broke the russian defenses around Stavky and successfully encircled Drobysheve. Someone just smacked the tip of the bulge and made it shrink. This is still unconfirmed RU rumors.
I have also seen the rumors about Yampil, i do not think it is unlikely it has been liberated, but I would like to see some more evidence.
Geroman was right for once.
The guy below, not so much.
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