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Sep 30, 2022, 6 tweets

#BREAKING Blast at educational centre in Afghan capital causes casualties: police

#BREAKING At least 19 killed in suicide bombing at Kabul education centre: police

#UPDATE A suicide attack at a learning centre in the Afghan capital has killed 19 people as students prepared for university entrance exams, police say.

The blast happened in the Dasht-e-Barchi neighbourhood of Kabul, a predominantly Shiite Muslim area

#BREAKING Most casualties in Afghan capital attack are girls: student witness

#UPDATE Most of the casualties from a suicide bombing that struck a learning centre in the Afghan capital were girls, a student who was wounded in the attack tells @AFP.

The male student says there were at least 600 students preparing for university entrance exams at the centre

#UPDATE A suicide bomb attack on a classroom of hundreds of people preparing for exams in the Afghan capital Kabul on Friday killed at least 19 people, with most of the casualties girls, police and a witness said ▶️

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