Sai Deepak J Profile picture
Counsel,Delhi HC/SC.Intellectual property,anti-trust & constitution. Author of #1 India that is Bharat, & #2 India, Bharat and Pakistan (Bloomsbury).

Oct 1, 2022, 10 tweets

1. Sir,pls correct your timelines.Syed Ahmed Khan passed away in 1898, when Savarkar was barely 15 yrs old. From 1858 until his death, Khan had built on the Two Nation Theory which was based on the worldview of Shah Waliullah Dehlawi whose seminary Khan was a product of.

2. @Jairam_Ramesh This is an extract from Syed Ahmed Khan's book Causes of the Indian Revolt (1858) which I have extracted on Page 74 of my book #IndiaBharatAndPakistan. Khan referred to Hindus and Muslims as "two antagonistic races". This was 25 years before Savarkar was born.

3. @Jairam_Ramesh Page 75 of #IndiaBharatAndPakistan where I have cited Sharif Al Mujahid who specifically stated in his article "Sir Syed Ahmed Khan and Muslim Nationalism in India" that in *1867*,Khan told the commissioner of Benares that Hindus and Muslims were "two nations".

4. @Jairam_Ramesh Extract from Khan's speech vehemently opposing introduction of a representative parliamentary democracy in Bharat bcoz that wud result in Muslims living under a Hindu-majority Government. Savarkar was an infant at this point- Pg. 77 of #IndiaBharatAndPakistan

5. @Jairam_Ramesh Here are extracts from Khan's speech of December 18, *1887* on the eve of the Congress's annual session in Madras. Notice the simultaneous British loyalism, application of Two Nation Theory and Hindu hatred Khan oozes. Pages 78-85 of #IndiaBharatAndPakistan.

6. @Jairam_Ramesh Here are extracts from Khan's speech of March 16, *1888* delivered in Meerut. Here's how he threatened the British Government with invasion by the Pathans if the "Muslim nation's" (Muslim qaum) interest were not secured. Pgs. 85-93 of #IndiaBharatAndPakistan

7. @Jairam_Ramesh Here is what Syed Ahmed Khan said in 1892, six years before his death, when Savarkar was *nine* years old. Pgs. 93-94 of #IndiaBharatAndPakistan

8. @Jairam_Ramesh To sum it up,Khan & Savarkar were *not* contemporaries in any reasonable sense.The 2 nation theory had come into existence way before Khan thanks to Shah Waliullah Dehlawi.Khan was d product of Dehlawi's seminary Madrasa-i-Rahimiyya.These are unrebuttable facts.

9. @Jairam_Ramesh As for Partition of Bengal,Curzon wanted to impede Bengali Hindu-led Movement & found willing collaborators in Muslim leaders of Bengal such as Nawab Salimullah, & the Aligarh establishment. Have captured the events in Chapters 3 & 4 of #IndiaBharatAndPakistan.

10. Savarkar merely took the position that the Two Nation Theory was a reality given its consistency with Islamic beliefs and its long track record of acceptance by the Muslim community. He was unfortunately vindicated by the Partition and the electoral results preceding it.

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