Mike Galsworthy Profile picture
Chair of European Movement UK (@EuroMove). Founder of @BylinesNetwork. Founder of @Scientists4EU. Likes: Science, politics and whiskey.

Oct 3, 2022, 7 tweets

So the main hall at #conservativeconference is a ghost town…

But the pro-European @euromove fringe event is packed to the rafters.

The times they are a’changing.

And overflowing, apparently. Should’ve turned up earlier. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Great that some media is there to catch it.

A pro-European event at Conservative Conference absolutely storming it.

Follow @euromove

And here they are - Tory big beasts David Gauke & Michael Heseltine…

…on the pro-European @euromove stage at #conservativeconference, telling a packed room of Tories just how screwed up Brexit has been for the UK.

👏👏👏 Follow @euromove & share.

And here’s that packed room again at #ConservativePartyconference, listening to David Gauke & Michael Heseltine on a pro- European platform, hosted by @euromove.

Make sure you’re following @euromove for more.

I’m told person who just turned up to the pro-European event, and decided to leave as he couldn't get in, said:

"you should have swapped with the event in the main hall, I think there's more here than in there"

Complete sea-change at

Nope - Conservatives, that’s not where “OPPORTUNITY” lies…

Leave the main hall, go to the packed pro-European @euromove fringe event, learn about the Single Market, Erasmus, Horizon, Galileo and European Union membership…

…and then join @euromove.

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