Jutta Urpilainen Profile picture
🇫🇮 Presidenttiehdokas. Presidentkandidat. Presidential candidate. 🇪🇺 EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, on electoral leave.

Oct 4, 2022, 5 tweets

Introducing 🇪🇺 #YouthActionPlan for external action! Its objectives are clear:

🔸empower youth and give them a real voice

🔸provide them with the tools to shape solutions to global challenges

🔸drive change towards a greener, fairer, and more peaceful planet

How? 🧵👇

✨ENGAGE!✨ Youth, especially women, are not adequately represented in decision-making.

I started politics young, so I know the challenges.

Our Youth and Women in Democracy Initiative notably will support youth-led organisations in pushing for electoral and democratic reforms.

✨EMPOWER!✨ Young people need hope – and skills and resources to put #SDGs back on track!

🇪🇺 is stepping up #InvestInEducation globally.

And now we launch the Youth Empowerment Fund. It allows youth to access small-scale funding for their projects promoting #SDGs.

✨CONNECT!✨ With #GlobalGateway we want to boost human connections.

Erasmus+ continues to be a success story.

Our Africa-Europe Youth Academy will complement it. It offers opportunities for youth to connect, exchange, and improve their leadership skills in Africa & with 🇪🇺.

Youth say ❌NO❌ to youth-washing!

Young people want to have accountability from the decision-makers and institutions.

That’s why 🇪🇺 #YouthActionPlan sets clear targets and youth-specific indicators as part of its monitoring and reporting framework.

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