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Oct 5, 2022, 6 tweets

Today is #WorldMeningitisDay!

#Meningitis is the world's 6th largest infectious disease killer with 2.5 million new cases every year.
It can affect anyone at any age.
It can be fatal within a few hours & cause lifelong disability


#Meningitis is a medical emergency that must always be treated quickly


Symptoms of #meningitis can include:
🔸stiff neck
🔸sensitivity to light

Infants may:
🔸have a bulging fontanelle (soft spot on their forehead)
🔸be droopy and unresponsive


#VaccinesWork to #DefeatMeningitis

Vaccines can be given against meningococcus and pneumococcus bacteria and Haemophilus influenza - all common causes of the disease

Meningitis epidemics can strike fast with serious health, economic and social consequences.

Let's #DefeatMeningitis!

A global roadmap to #DefeatMeningitis aims to:
✅ eliminate bacterial #meningitis epidemics
✅ reduce cases of vaccine-preventable bacterial meningitis by 50% & deaths by 70%
✅ reduce disability & improve the quality of life after meningitis

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