Suzanne Karr Schmidt Profile picture
Curator, Rare Books and Manuscripts @NewberryLibrary + Movable Book Society Director Renaissance art, prints on fabric, pop-up books, pretzels, pirates She/Her

Oct 5, 2022, 8 tweets

Costs An Arm and A Leg...
But Lasts a Hand And A Foot?!

What is it?
Renaissance Geography!
(Did I mention that early modern measurement schemes are endlessly fascinating!?)

#WyrdWednesday #woodcutwednesday

Going My Way?

Here's the full Geographie page, complete with a globe! From the Tableaux Accomplis de Tous les Arts Liberaux, Christopher de Savigny, 1587.
Want to see more?

Terrific Title Page!

It promises that the "Tableaux" (Pictorial graphics? Diagrams? Both?) of the liberal arts with their singular, summarized method will make it easier to teach these important concepts to the youth . . .


Fancypants Book Launch


@NewberryLibrary Hands Up If You're Musically Inclined...

(If the visual arts are more your thing, see if you can find the set of bagpipes!)


Now with all sorts of terrifying medical implements (but no urine flasks?) and... #spookyscaryskeletons

One Ring To Ethically Educate Them All?

(Foy=Faith) #ethics

Cosmographically Confused?

There's more where this came from, but here are Cosmography and Dialectics to help get you where you're going on YOUR intellectual odyssey!

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