Peyman Milanfar Profile picture
Distinguished Scientist at Google. Computational Imaging, Machine Learning, and Vision. Tweets = personal opinions. May change or disappear over time.

Oct 8, 2022, 6 tweets

Yesterday @ #MadeByGoogle we also announced the latest on the Super Res Zoom feature on #Pixel7Pro

It's a project my team's been involved in since '18. This year, our teams've made it so much more powerful. You can zoom up to 30x. Let me show you in a 🧵

That👆one was the ultra-wide lens (0.5x).

This 👇one starts at 1x and get closer....

And closer....

That's not close enough - let's get closer ...

we're almost there....

And finally we're at 30x hybrid optical/digital zoom, seeing the top of One World Trade Center miles away.

I hope this gives you an idea what the zoom experience looks like on #Pixel7Pro. You can see the whole sequence in an album:…
PC: Alex Schiffhauer

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