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I like data. Metrics, insights, analysis and memes. (ps. If you want to understand Crypto and the cosmos eco, read up on Metcalfe's law.)

Oct 10, 2022, 10 tweets

Here's an interesting table that takes #CosmosEcosystem #crypto and compares the amounts being unbonded to the total circulating supply, as well as to the currently unbonded supply. If you hold $KUJI in particular, but also $JUNO, $AKT or $SCRT you may want to read below:

1. So, a fairly safe assumption is that any coins being unbonded are doing so to predominantly be sold. Some may be being moved to DeFi or liquid staking protocols, but I think that's a small percentage.

2. By staking a coin, it's taken out of circulation for a while. The pool that can be bought/sold becomes smaller, and therefore any buy or sell pressure has a stronger effect on price.

3. If we look at $AKT, there's an amount unbonding equal to 11.7% of the currently unbonded tokens. That's a lot - if it's sold quickly it'll definitely dump the price. However, having 87.7% bonded means people are overall confident in the project and therefore likely to buy dips

4. The same goes for $JUNO and $SCRT where there's amounts unbonding that are large compared to the unbonded amounts, but small compared to the total circulating supply.

5. $KUJI on the other hand, has a large amount unbonding (9.68% of unbonded supply) which is also a large amount of the total supply (5.98%). This almost certainly means a long-term drop in price.

6. More on $KUJI. There has been a pretty large pump over the last 24-48 hours. Consequently, looking at the unbonding info, there is a massive amount that has just been unbonded and will hit the markets on 24OCT22.

As always, I hope you've enjoyed this tangent. Got a crypto mate? - tell them about me :)

ps thanks @SmartStake for the excellent metrics.


Thank @PostTenebras2 for picking up an error in the total supply. The original table had the last half exaggerated due to pulling the wrong data. Corrected version:

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