Simon Wardley Profile picture
💚+❤️🇺🇳 I like ducks, they're fowl but not through choice. Thought Lord. Lives in a swamp. Painted by AI. Born 321 ppm CO₂.

Oct 13, 2022, 7 tweets

What's the next wave of neoliberal exclusion ... Tobey gets the topic started with some definitions #mapcamp ... looking forward to this.

Love it ... Vikesh gets into challenging assumption and uses a map to do it. #mapcamp

Now we're into exploring the retail market and @jdcarlston is brought into the equation. Now we're onto the different forms of exclusions. Oh, I'm enjoying this #mapcamp

@jdcarlston Oh, Tobey is fantastic. This is my favourite slide. Libraries are instruments of democracy and freedom. #mapcamp

Now, we're back to exclusion, its definition and the exclusion within exclusion with the ever marvellous @jdcarlston.

I'm in map heaven. #mapcamp

Oh, and now we're into library theory, classification ... brilliant, just brilliant. #mapcamp

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