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Oct 14, 2022, 14 tweets

I am going to do a very brief update for October 13th. You could call this an update for October 11,12,13, and whatever other days I missed because not much has happened. #ukrdailyupdate

Near Kupyansk, Ukraine moved forward and appear to have liberated Pischane. I have no actual confirmation of this liberation, but Ukrainian troops are east of it and multiple Russian sources claims it is under Ukrainian control so whatever let's roll with it.

Russia has made a lot of blatantly false claims about retaking towns near Kreminna, but their claim today to have retaken Pischane (lol) and Chervonopopivka actually seem to be both reasonable and likely true. They claim to be attacking Terny, it's probably in the *direction of*.

Russians are moving around concrete blocks to build tan traps in Severodonetsk.

Russians are building a defensive line near Hirske. If you remember, Hirske was a town Russia could not break through and only fell when the entire rest of the line collapsed. So I guess Russia really, really does not want to have to fight for it a second time.

Some action in Kadiivka today. Ukrainian civilians spotted Russian artillery firing from this position to the northeast of the city. Ukraine destroyed hangars Russia used to repair broken vehicles on the missile marker.

In the Bakhmut area, Ukraine controls Ivanhrad and Opytne. I wrote about it here. People are saying Ukraine counter attacked in Opytne, this is not true. Russia never took or contested Opytne. Ukraine counter attacked Ivanhrad.

Otherwise you have your standard attacks in the Bakhmut area without notable change.

In the Donetsk area there is ongoing fighting in all the same areas as usual.

Ukraine is attacking south from both Orikhiv and Hulyaipole. Don't get excited and think this is some major offensive, it isn't.

Ukraine inflicted significant damage on Russian positions in Burchak, Tokmak, Kopani, Kinski Rozdory, and Berdyansk areas. (markers aren't exact). The Berdyansk hit reportedly destroyed four S-300 systems.

Ukraine had significant artillery strikes on the Antonovskyi Bridge, Nova Kakhovka, Kozatske, and Beryslav areas.

Russia had significant artillery strikes in the Pravdyne, Soldatske, Blahodatne, and more general M14 highway areas.

Ukraine attacked Ishchenka and Bruskynske, and Russia sent recon to Sukhyi Stavok.

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