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Tracking usage/capture/destruction of weapon systems in #Ukraine theater of operations. Sharing combat footage and more follow @nlwartracker to keep up-to-date!

Oct 17, 2022, 8 tweets

1/7 🧵 about the air defenses located at Dzankoj military airbase in Crimea. Due to the arrival of Iranian Sahed-136 drones me and other #OSINT researchers were looking at different loc. which could be used to launch these. #Dzankoj airbase was one of the most likely candidates.

2/7 Located about 300 km. from Odessa, it would be well in reach of the drones. However on the airbase it self we found no evidence of it being used to launch these attacks.What did stand out was a large contigent of airdefense units, S-300 & the more modern S-400 launchers.

3/7 While have a closer look, we discovered at least 10 TEL's (transporter erector launcher) at this location, as well as multiple state of the art radar systems connect to those systems. Also a large number of missile canisters can be seen. These are used for quick reloads.

4/7 But to truly get a feel for how these airbases work, it is very important to re-visit these bases on a regular basis to for example see how supply's are distributed on the base,count the number of planes on the ground etc. When revisiting the site on 13-10 we noticed that

5/7 two S-300 battery's consisting of 8 launchers & support vehicles were gone, back tracking we found out that on 7-10 these were still here and on 8-10 they were gone. Due to the time stamps on those images they must have moved between 12:00 & 08:00, we determined there are

6/7 2 possible routes toward either Kherson on the E97 HWY or toward Melitopol on the E105 HWY. The timing of the move of those units, is particularly interesting, only 2 days later on 10-10 the large missile & drone strikes on Ukrainian city's started. We will try to keep track

7/7 of these and other weapon systems.Another 🧵 about Dzankoj airbase is coming up soon🙏research work is done in collaboration with @DefMon3, @COUPSURE and @ArtisanalAPT. Please consider making a donation to help us buy 🛰 images

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