Pertinax Statarius🇪🇺 Profile picture
Historian, military history, Prussian history 1700-1815, the German states in the Napoleonic wars,🎗, cooking

Oct 17, 2022, 7 tweets

#OTD #warsofliberation #napoleon #leipzig #marshalblucher #thebattleofthenations  1813 All reserves are exhausted. Blücher throws one reserve after another in the fire. They cannot pass!! The grapeshots of the French artillery tear down the young men. But General Yorck, 1/7

sees only one way. One unit ist still in reserve. The reserve Cavalry. Hussars and Colonel Jurgas with the Westprussian Dragoons and Graf Henckel von Donnersmark with the Lituanian. General Yorck let them line up. His staff also joins the line. Either victory or they will 2/7

die with their men. The General rides along the line of his men. Looks in the eyes of those, who rode for a long time with him. He draws his sabre. „Now the time for Prussia has come!“ He draws the sword and rises it high. Hundreds of swords ar drawn and shine like stars.3/7

„Hurra“ and all anwser with the same. „Hurra!“ and the second answer comes. He turns his horse. „Für den König von Preußen! Hurra! Marsch marsch!!!!“ They all move forward. At first slow, faster and then in full galop. The old von Horn, leader of Horn’s Brigade, had 4/7

fought throughout the day and his Brigade had terrible losses, sees them pass. Grabs his tambour at the collar and shouts in his deep voice: „Los! Sturmmarsch!!“ And to his men:“The one, who makes one shot is a dog fart! Forward! Hurra, the king of Prussia!!“ 5/7

All the units infantry, cavalry raise their voices. „Hurra!!!“ All take their weapons and run behind the Hussars into the battle. Into the fire. Soon they are ripped by the grapeshots. 6/7

But the small number, who survives through the fire, attacks in such a hate and impetus that no one can resist. The northern flank falls. The ring breaks. Leipzig will fall. The emperor will fall! 7/7

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