Zhou Li周莉 Profile picture
Counsellor, Department of Press, Communication and Public Diplomacy, Foreign Ministry, China @MFA_China Rts≠endorsement

Oct 17, 2022, 5 tweets

Fr The report to #20thPartyCongress:
Fr this day forward, the central task of the #CPC will be to lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to realize #SCG of building China into a great modern socialist country & to advance national rejuvenation via Chinese modernization.

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, We must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality dev't. Dev't is our Party's top priority in governing and rejuvenating #China.

To build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, we hv adopted a two-step strategic plan:
1)basically realize socialist modernization from 2020-2035
2)build China into a great modern socialist country from 2035 through middle of this century

It is imperative that all of us in the Party:
1) never forget our original aspiration and founding mission
2)stay modest,prudent and hard-working
3)hv the courage and ability to carry on our fight.

On the journey ahead, we'll adhere to 5 principles:
1)upholding the Party's overall leadership
2)following the path of socialism w/ Chinese characteristics
3)applying a people-centered dev't philosophy
4)deepening reform and opening-up
5)carrying forward fighting spirit

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