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Disciple of Jesus | Husband of Ibiyemi | A Responsible Father | Network Engineer | Passionate about Politics & Kingdom views | I can win by Righteousness

Oct 18, 2022, 15 tweets


The INCOMING PRESIDENT will be grateful for what President Buhari has done in equipping the Military like never before.
Not even since the 80s had we seen any leader who equipped our Military like APC led FG in 8 years..

No Govt in power will ever get everything done. But it is pertinent that line upon line, precept upon precept, a little hear& a little there, things are done upon which the next administration can build upon & concentrate on other issues.
Tinubu will CONTINUE what PMB started...

Obasanjo left about $67bn behind, so when Y'aradua came & there was economic crisis during his tenure, what did he do? He simply used previous savings to cushion the effect, defended Naira with such hence, we didn't feel the impact so much.
What did Buhari meet? DEPLETED ACCOUNT!

So on Security, @officialABAT said he has so much to offer and based on his track record in Lagos, we can trust that he actually has CAPACITY to do so.
He is coming in AFTER Buhari has equipped the Military well enough for him to CONTINUE to make our security architecture better.

Tinubu was sworn in on the 29th May 1999 just like 35 other Governors. 6th July, @officialABAT was already on POLICE REFORM in Lagos!
Others were shouting "we have no control", BAT was THINKING & ACTING beyond that boxed mindset. Lagos Rapid Response Squad👇 #TinubuInArewaHouse

6th July '99 was less that 2 months from May 29 when all Governors were sworn in abi. Tinubu was in the opposition, President Obasanjo & Atiku of PDP at the centre couldn't stop him from going ahead with @rrslagos767
Other 35 Governors were playing Ludo, Tinubu was ahead!

As far back as 1999, Tinubu said "I want to assure you that you will see and you will feel the difference"....He also spoke about Community based Neighborhood watch.

Listen, that was 1999, this is 2022, no State security has come close to that of Lagos.
PMB to BAT is a GOAL🕺♾

Having stated in his speech the need to get security to the grassroot, existing Neighborhood Watch in Lagos was redesigned & was given more prominence to make d issue of Security LOCAL.
But now, Buhari has really equipped our Security ops, @officialABAT will BUILD ON THAT!

So what Security Ops did Buhari inherit from PDP administration in 2015?
A security Architecture DELIBERATELY ill equipped since the days of Obasanjo. They saw battle & many had to FLEE to other Countries.

You'll appreciate Buhari if you remember our history! #TinubuInArewaHouse

That same Military has been so equipped today like never before. That a CEO will take over from another CEO who has made the work easier by providing working tools for the staff is always a thing of joy...
Asiwaju Tinubu has the 9th Assembly to thank for cooperating with PMB🙏🫂

The 9th NASS team went to the USA to assess the progress of work on NAF A29-Super Tucano Aircraft last year May (2021).
No Govt has done the equipping of our Military like PMB did...
You need tools to motivate you to work better, Tinubu will CONTINUE the foundation PMB laid!

April 2021, the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) took delivery of 3 JT-17 thunder multi-role attack aircraft, acquired by Buhari led Govt from Pakistan.

That is HOW to be deliberate about Security architectures..
So Incoming President Tinubu will CONTINUE what PMB has started.

Air Assets procured by Buhari led admin within 8 years are more than what we had in history:

12 A-29 Super Tucano
5 Mi-35M Helicopters
2 Bell 412 Helicopters
4 Agusta 109 Helicopters
2 Mi-171E Helicopters
10 Super Mushshak
3 x JF-17 Thunder..ETC
GO & VERIFY...🤣🤣

Ladies & Gentlemen, Fellow Nigerians who desire a better Nation...
The Incoming President is Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu.
He will CONTINUE the good works President Buhari has been doing. He will make corrections where we are missing it.
Get used to your next C-in-C

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