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Oct 18, 2022, 6 tweets

#Cancer affects almost every family

Understanding & amplifying the #LivedExperience of people affected by cancer creates more effective support systems.

Yet, cancer control focuses on clinical care & not on the broader needs of people affected by cancer.

This needs to change⬇️

1 in 5 people will be diagnosed with #cancer in their lifetime.

A cancer diagnosis triggers a profound effect on the health and well-being of all those involved.


Nearly 50% of people diagnosed with #cancer experience

😰 anxiety
😥 a loss of faith
💔 abandonment by their intimate partners

More information

🔊 Hear from Isabella, a cancer survivor and advocate who shares why her voice and the voices of other #cancer survivors

✅ need to be at the table
✅ need to be heard
✅ need to inform policies that will ultimately affect them


WHO is committed to engage those affected by #cancer – survivors, caregivers & the bereaved.

Here’s your opportunity to influence global cancer policies & help co-design better solutions for health.

Take the survey:

“Cancer survivorship is hard. It is a mental hardship you have with yourself. Support is needed, but it is limited and not accessible to all survivors.” says #cancer survivor Soleil Labelle.

Let’s amplify the #LivedExperience of people affected by cancer.

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