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Oct 19, 2022, 12 tweets

On this #InternationalPronounDay we're sharing some of the information from response by New York City to our records request seeking data about complaints filed under NYC's (unconstitutional) pronoun law.
There's money in being "misgendered."
(Note: redactions are by KPSS.) 1/

Respondent: New York City Department of Correction (also named: 4 individual Corrections Officers, 2 Captains, 2 Asst Deputy Wardens)
Settlement: $21,500.00 emotional distress damages; modification of computer system; & more
CCHR Case: M-P-S-19-69925

Note: “RMSC” is the women’s unit on Riker’s Island, NYC’s main jail. Complainant alleged the following also occurred on two subsequent dates in March 2019. (There was also an issue about Complainant wearing a tank top instead of a bra as visitor rules require undergarments.) 3/

As part of settlement for being “misgendered,” this person received $21,500 of NYC taxpayer money intended for maintaining NYC’s jail: 4/

Also in settlement: Riker’s Island, NYC’s main jail, must manage and cater to the self-declared "gender ID" of visitors, instead of being focused on ensuring accurate identification, safety, preventing distribution of contraband (drug use inside Riker’s is notorious), etc. 5/

DOC employees must also (again, already tasked with managing the correct ID of visitors, safety and preventing contraband) – as government employees – use fake names or nicknames and incorrect pronouns/honorifics under threat of penalization: 6/

Respondent: a charter school
Settlement: $23,000 for backpay and $23,000 for emotional distress damages
CCHR Case Number: M-E-S-19-70907
Teacher resigned because was “regularly misgendered” by 8th grade students, alleges complaints to admin unaddressed. 7/

Email from teacher to administration noting lack of respect from students, worrying it's b/c "I am transgender" and "the problem is that the students do not respect who I am." "Bright spot": "not been a class eruption of laughter when a student misgenders me for some time." 8/

Another email followed from teacher to administration: 9/

On the day after "dress up" day, 10/

Complainant was then moved to a co-teaching role. This did not go well either. 11/

New York City eighth graders were not playing ball with this teacher's pronouns and women-face, so this teacher quit, then filed complaint which was settled by this charter school (funded by taxpayers) for $46,000. Again, this is under NYC's (unconstitutional) pronoun law. 12/

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