I AM … Shane Browning Profile picture
All Out Life …

Oct 20, 2022, 19 tweets


Konnan 👉👈 Hulk

#R econcile #N ot #R evenge

#Peace ✌️

There is Only 1 #ENDGAME, Unity ..


I will not let you die on your feet, We rise together …


Cutting ties?
Send 🔥 into the night?
Turn the tide?
Dry your tears?
Wave hello?

The Unknown for me has always been LOVE, Love outside of Skateboarding & baseball ..
I love baseball &

Skateboarding because it gave me A place to direct my energy/Rage because of seeing those I love being hurt, they were hurt so badly in life that they forgot how to love & were so dead inside, dying to live…
So I never got the chance to know what Love feels like, Until now.

Glad that’s out of the way, Trip confirm ..
Special Delivery
🇲🇽 #SpecialForces 10-20-2022—Why come out with news about it THAT specific day? Cause We knew all along.
EF- 1

Let’s Give A round of applause for Latin America, South America & The Fighting Irish ! ..

Continuando na lista—Irã, Coréia, |PAK|, Itália, França 1798, Grécia Lightning, Alemanha, França, Chipre Hill, Croácia, Peru, Chile', Venezuela e finalmente terminando o mês de outubro forte, Israel...

Forças Especiais do Exército/Marinha Mexicana Mostrando o que sempre

soubemos? Quem controlava? Crime organizado? Empurrão de poder? Estados Fronteiriços do Sul com o México, Quem ocupou cargos nos últimos 5-15-33 anos?
Quem ocupou cargos em 2000-2001 nos Estados Fronteiriços do Sul?

20-10-2022 — Lançamento Pré-Orde, Acampamento?

Pré_Dlimpeza da casa?
Pós Limpeza Pré_P?
Entrando na frente unida?

Lei Logan
Adams N8 4 A Vitória
X - Acampamento

Jorge ###
John Deere

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