Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 21, 2022, 5 tweets

#Roslyn is shaping up to be another truly terrible Hurricane with massive size & widespread heavy rain (flooding) impacts, similar to #Julia & #Ian.
But with much more time to strengthen in favourable conditions #Roslyn also forecast to develop major major hurricane wind speed.

New NHC advice now predicts 95 Knot winds on landfall the threshold for Cat 3 Major Hurricane status, but strengthening beyond that is possible with Landfall not expected till 7pm Sunday.

Current GFS model rainfall estimates at 24, 48, 72 & 96 hours.

Here's the GFS3 IWVT view of the next 96 hours - after which the remnants of #Roslyn will be over Mexico.

A complicated set up over continental US follows with an atmospheric river coming into play and merging with #Roslyn outflows into an intense storm which heads through the midwest and up over the Great Lakes into Canada. Another storm spins of and heads east to the Carolinas.

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