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If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth - Julian Assange | multipolar world | anti-imperialist | ML | Parenti:https://t.co/7eIoXKiukK

Oct 21, 2022, 9 tweets

Evidence of Ethnic Cleansing as (reluctantly) documented by the OSCE in 2015, a mine shaft found pact with girls, at the hands of the now free Tornado Battalion.

If this is what's recored on the land liberated by the DPR in 2015, imagine what other atrocities will be found?

"[Nazi battalions] went door to door checking IDs... taking people to Mariupol Airport [torture chambers]

They poured water on the floor, where they threw me and linked my genitals to a welding machine

In boiler room you'd see... scratches on walls from people trying to breath"

"At that time the SBU (secret police) didn't know how to do it (torture) they were thought by Dnepr, who were learned how to torture from Israeli instructors, brought in by Mr. Kolomoisky (funder of Azov, Dnepr & Zelensky)"

Also testimony of brutal torture of someone's mother

"Why did they kill my mother, I don't understand, she was just knitting socks, why... She wanted to live, she did!"

Despite the publication of these crimes against humanity, people of Donbass got no reaction from the west

"I spoke at OSCE events they know all this & control it"

How did this terrorism get to such impunity? These nationalist battalions first met resistance from mass protests of the coup, then local police, and finally under ground resistance, each were systematically destroyed.

Here on May 9th 2014 an event to remember the victory over fascism in Mariupol seems premature, when crowds of civilians are mowed down by automatic weapons and APCs, imagine surviving the battle of Berlin only to be murdered by Bandera's men. Local police too are slaughtered

Finally after terrorizing the masses from ever again assembling on the streets through wholesale murder, a siege of the local police ends in another "Slava Ukraini", it is only then that the above impunity of ethnic cleansing, torture and midnight disappearances becomes possible

And let's not forget none of this would be possible if it wasn't for the #EmpireOfLies #EmpireOfChaos twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

This is only a fragment of the crimes by the Kiev regime, if people want to watch full documentary, & others you can watch it here on telegram, preferably open in your laptop to download for TV: t.me/documentarypla…

(In channel search #Donbass, #yemen etc to find other docs)

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