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Oct 23, 2022, 10 tweets

I have a short update today because not very much changed on the ground. #ukrdailyupdate

If you would like to view the map:

First, this part makes me physically uncomfortable because it goes against info I have from **all** of my sources, both Russian and Ukrainian, but it is hard to argue with the satellite images: This whole area east of Makiivka is a big question mark.

Ukraine posted a video destroying Russian equipment in this area, and the satellite images show it had to have happened after October 19th.

My primary discomfort with this news stems from the large number of reports I have from the past 72 hours where Ukraine was operating in and around Makiivka. It is possible they seized all of this gray area in the past 4 days. But I need more satellite images (and good weather).

I learned that Russia is attacking Bilohorivka from two angles, which explains Ukraine claiming to repell attacks near Zolotarivka.

Everything else is pretty much the same. Russia attacking all over the Bakhmut area without success.

Lots of fighting around Avdiivka and Donetsk.

BTW, Wargonzo stepped on a pedal mine and suffered a foot injury somewhere in this general area. They claim near "Vodyane", but it is more likely near Opytne. The western portion of Opytne and eastern portion of Vodyane practically touch each other.

Ukraine is continuing their pressure in the south, probing out of Hulyaipole and Orikhiv.

PETAL. its a PETAL mine. 🦋

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