Puneet Sahani Profile picture
Researcher on evolution of #Sikh identity & #Khalistan terrorism. Carrying fwd legacy of #HarjotOberoi & #KPSGill. Deep interest in Cults, Econ, Cinema, Dharma.

Oct 24, 2022, 8 tweets

There was nothing like #BandiChorrDivas. You engineered it to further divide Hindu & Sikhs for your cynical politics —not caring damn about what’ll be the spiritual costs of weaning Sikhs from their roots and larger culture and festivities.

Here’s a thread, Hallelujah!

Here’s handwritten letter by Guru Tegh Bahadur, asking the congregation of Pak Pattan to visit him for DIWALI!
He was the son of Guru Hargobind. So you know, but 9th Guru didn’t, that there was some Bandi Chorr Divas regarding his father. Really?!

Then here’s letter by Guru Hargobind’s grandson, Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself. Dated 5 Oct 1699, or AFTER formation of Khalsa.
He too is asking congregation of Naushera Pannuan to visit him for DIWALI 🪔. NOT some #BandiChorrDivas. You know better than Dashmesh Pita, again?

Then here’s youngest consort of Guru Gobind Singh & “Mother of Khalsa”, Mata Sahib Devi, guiding celebration in HariMandir 2 decades after Guru’s death. Clearly our 2 biggest festivals were Baisakhi, DIWALI.

PS: interesting, man as imp as incharge of Treasury, managing Gaushala!

Then here’s Guru Gobind Singh’s oldest closest disciple, Bhai Mani Singh, who in his 90s was mμrdered in manner so gruesome that we remember him daily (बंद बंद कटवाए)
He suffered the fate for he wanted to celebrate Diwali in HariMandir when it was still so precarious in Punjab..

Then here’s when Ahmad Shah #Abdali had completely blown up & desecrated HarMandir. While reconstruction was still not over & there was danger of further attacks, Diwali was so imp to Sikhs that large number still gathered at Amritsar (then Ramdaspur). Attack did come year later.

I can go further back or ahead in history to find many more examples but I think I’ve more than made my case.
Please stop misleading people who innocently trust you. Be TRUTHFUL.
Man needs his roots reach deep for him to fly high in sky. May your darkness lessen this Diwali 🪔 🙏

To #Sikhs who still insist our Ram isn’t son of Dashratha – here #GuruGobindSingh’s BEAUTIFUL Bhakti composition on Sri Rama’s return to Ayodhya in exquisite Awadhi-Persian patois.

Verify on P226 DasamGranth sridasam.org/0226.html
Makes our most attractive heritage. Why disown?

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