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Movie/TV Series thoughts mostly in the form of very long threads. DC Comics fan. #RebelMoon Era.

Oct 24, 2022, 9 tweets

It’s a new Monday, so time for a new entry into the #BatmanvSuperman references the DC lore series. Today, it’s time for the scene Funeral for a Friend in the 🧵 below! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #BvSMondayMood

This scene (and the next ones, ups spoilers) homage several parts of the continuation to The Death of Superman storyline in comics which was called Funeral for a Friend, an 8 issue storyline across different comics.

However, the first reference in this scene is not to this storyline, but to All Star Superman #5 with Lex in prison with the orange suit and a classical look after being shaved.

After this we have Perry opening the newspaper front page with Superman’s death which resembles quite closely the one in Action Comics #685.

When he opens the newspaper we also get a glimpse of some news. The one about Lex Luthor arrested looks similar to Lex Luthor indicted at the end of Superman: Birthright (issue #12).

There is also a news article about Clark killed in #BatmanvSuperman. In Funeral for a Friend (and specifically in a special from NewsTime on The Life and Death of the Man of Steel) there is a small article on Clark Kent being missing which I found interesting.

In #BvS we go directly to the Kent Farm, and some parts of Funeral for a Friend (Superman: The Man of Steel #20) also take place there where we see Jonathan and Martha having a burial for Clark. There are some visual similarities in the Kent Farm from #BvS to the comic also.

There are interesting similarities in the relationship between Lois Lane and Martha Kent in comic and movie. Especially how Martha is seen helping Lois that is utterly sad in both media (comic ones are from Superman #76).

And at the end of the scene, we see Lois receiving the ring Clark was supposed to give her. And there are visual similarities with Superman #77 where we also see Lois with a similar ring when she’s remembering their wedding.

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