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“Radical Right=Radical Left=Radically Wrong.” Disinformation betrays all who fought for freedom #IAmJohnBrown #GunOwnerForGunReform #TrickleUp #StumpARepublican

Oct 24, 2022, 7 tweets

Republicans have spent decades trying to abolish gov’t agencies including EPA, FDA, & FBI, pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy & big oil, eliminate minimum wage, slash Medicare, & dismantle Social Security.

Don’t let them. This November tell @GOP #HandsOffMySocialSecurity

Marco Rubio getting honest on the Republican play book: Cut taxes on the rich, use their resulting deficits as ammo against Democrats and an excuse to gut programs like Social Security and Medicare.

#HandsOffMySocialSecurity @valdemings @marcorubio

Pay attention folks. Republicans have been trying to end Social Security for DECADES. Since it was passed.

Don’t let them. This November, tell @GOP #HandsOffMySocialSecurity

Republicans have been planning to gut Social Security and Medicare for decades. They’ll do anything to crash the economy to say we can’t afford these essential programs.

This November, tell them #HandsOffMySocialSecurity

Why do Republicans repeatedly bankrupt us & drive staggering deficits? To hurt economy, blame Democrats, & say we can’t afford Social Security & #Medicare

Trump’s 2020 Budget cut #SocialSecurity. Republicans haven’t given up. It’s “Starve the Beast”


Trump’s 2018 budget slashed $1.7 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. Republicans, to pay for their $2 trillion tax giveaway to the wealthy, proposed a cut $5 trillion, including $2 trillion from Medicare, Medicaid, & Affordable Care Act.


My dad died when I was 10. Mom struggled. We received dad’s social security survivor benefits. But then Reagan happened. To pay for his massive tax cuts for the rich, he eliminated death benefits. Cruelty is the point.

In November, tell Republicans #HandsOffMySocialSecurity

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