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#H5N1isAirborne - it will be a miracle if the USDA and CDC don't 1918 us. Don't forget, the first wave was mild. Until it wasn't. #PZC.

Oct 24, 2022, 12 tweets

#RSVisAirborne, so wear an N95.

The Respiratory Syncytial Virus IS airborne🧵.

If you say it's not? Check your level of aerosol knowledge.

Because you are probably going to cite Hall, who tested cuddlers, touchers, and sitters with sick babies.


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Full article in screenshots below.

This study is worthless as it was confounded by:

❌ Time.

Cuddlers 2-4 hours, sitters exactly 3, touchers went into rooms for unknown period of time. Those rooms were previously inhabited by an infected baby. Infectious aerosols would still have been floating.

❌ Ventilation.

We don't know the ACH of the room each baby was in. Was it the same room even?

❌ Aerosol production. People produce more aerosols when yelling. A crying baby will produce more aerosols than a quiet baby.

This is particularly important as more cuddlers were

infected than touchers than sitters.

It should be noted that sitters are a test of far field aerosols.

❌ We also don't know if the sitters were sitting in a location that had a ventilation return grill between them and the baby. Would easily explain lack of far field


Cuddlers are a test of near field aerosols and droplets....and those subjects got the most sick. Which is typical of aerosols - this is why the UK CoVid Human Challenge declined to test aerosols.

Let's move on from that study which is cited by every IPC org.

#RSVisAirborne - as shown by this study.

6 ACH documented..and still infectious RSV (👇) was harvested from the air up to 15 feet away.

Diagram of the impactor collection points 👇 as well.…

While reviewing this topic of #RSVisAirborne, this caught my attention:

"Healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs) continue to persist in hospitals, despite the use of increasingly strict infection-control precautions."

Are you a doctor and have felt the harsh glare of IPC?

Aren't you tired of being told you must have done something wrong?

That you must have not worn your surgical mask just right? Or you must not have washed your hands enough.

Maybe it's time you get a group of doctors and push back on your hospital's droplet based idiocy.

Because it's not just your health that depends on it.

It's all of those babies with RSV in pediatrics.

This study was done in 2015. Babies are grouped by symptoms. Not by virus.

Care for some cross contamination from the CoVid/ RSV/ Influenza Buffet?

IPC ...time to wake up.

Ok, let's layer on some more info.

"(RSV) is the single most important cause of lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) in infants and young children"

Guess what folks? Droplets don't jump and skip past your uvula.

Aerosols do-they just flow on past.…

Not a big fan of this study, but some might like it.

"The viral load in nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPA) and air samples were measured."

2 of 3 RSV patients had "...air dispersal of the virus(es) compatible with their NPA results."


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