Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا Profile picture
Journalist 🎤 M.A. Mid-East History & Gender @UofT Genocide @ZoryanInstitute Theatre @AMDAOfficial 👉

Oct 25, 2022, 6 tweets

1/ This is Firas Al Najim. The 38 yr old Toronto resident was arrested yesterday by @YRP & charged with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle; Flight from Police; Weapons Dangerous. In this video he is threatening #Iranian protesters.👇

2/He was released today from the @YRP station & put out this video; alleging bias and Islamophobia on the part of the police. 👇

3/ Yesterday, Firas Al Najim allegedly drove his car into some #Iranian protesters outside the Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre in #Thornhill. A search of his car by police showed weapons, batons & bear spray in it. 👇

4/ On October 15, Firas Al Najim filmed himself in front of the Mahdi Centre calling for death to those who oppose Khamenei & the Islamic Republic; a week before he allegedly tried to run Iranian protesters over. 👇

5/ The Imam Mahdi Islamic Centre issued a statement distancing itself from Firas Al Najim saying he has “no affiliation” with the centre. Al Najim put out his own statement & photos of himself at various gatherings at the Mahdi centre throughout the years 👇

6/ The video he made upon his release outside @YRP station also named @CPC_HQ MP for #Thornhill @MelissaLantsman.
2 weeks ago, Firas Al Najim came on my radar because I 👀 he was following me on Instagram.

Attacks on #Iranian protesters have ramped up #IranRevolution

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