Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا Profile picture
Journalist 🎤 M.A. Mid-East History & Gender @UofT Genocide @ZoryanInstitute Theatre @AMDAOfficial 👉
Nov 1, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read

Night 46 / #IranRevolution
In #Ekbatan 5km outside #Tehran

Islamic Republic forces shooting stun grenades & tear gas into peoples apartments.

Man yells: “You’ve made our community into a war zone.”

Woman yells: “May God curse you all.”

👇 2/
Night 46/#IranRevolution

Islamic Republic police forces in #Ekbatan warning people not to protest over loud 🔊:

“We’ll kill our own family members to protect this system (Velayat).”

Residents yelling:

“Death to the dictator”
“Death to Khamenei”

#MahsaAmini‌ #Iran

Oct 25, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
1/ This is Firas Al Najim. The 38 yr old Toronto resident was arrested yesterday by @YRP & charged with Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle; Flight from Police; Weapons Dangerous. In this video he is threatening #Iranian protesters.👇 2/He was released today from the @YRP station & put out this video; alleging bias and Islamophobia on the part of the police. 👇
Sep 26, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
1/ Let’s go on a little tour of #Iran on the 10th night of nation wide protests for the killing of #MahsaAmini & many others since then.

Let’s start in #Kurdistan, #Sanandaj - the heartbeat of where #IranRevolution #IranProtests began. 2/ Then let’s go all the way to #Yazd. #IranProtests2022