Arnold Roth • Day 257 • Get the hostages home Profile picture
Chair @MalkiFoundation • @FrimetRoth and I honor our murdered daughter's beautiful life by pursuing justice, opposing terror, jointly writing @ThisOngoingWar

Oct 25, 2022, 9 tweets

No US government official or diplomat in any of the Obama, Trump or Biden administrations has tried to justify US passivity in the face of Jordan's harboring and disgraceful empowering of the woman charged with being the @Sbarro bomber. They simply ignore it and so do the media.

Most of those who follow my wife @FrimetRoth or me or our joint account @ThisOngoingWar on Twitter know at least the basics of what brings us to be active in the social media. Others seeing this probably don't know why we want to waste their time. For them, this brief intro.

Frimet and I suffered the loss by murder of our middle child, #Malki, when she was 15. Malki was one of many children blown up in a Hamas bombing of a @Sbarro pizzeria in the center of Jerusalem in 2001, an atrocity which targeted Jewish children. That's something we can say

with certainty because the woman who spearheaded the bombing, a Jordanian college student then 21, went on to become one of the most interviewed and publicized terrorists anywhere, ever. Her name is #AhlamTamimi and for the past 11 years she has lived free in Jordan.

Skipping many of the details, #AhlamTamimi was indicted in Washington in 2013. Malki was an American national and a US federal law entitles and obliges the US to go after terrorists who kill Americans under certain conditions - which applied here. Neither we nor anyone else

knew that Tamimi was charged because the file was sealed by the court. It stayed sealed till March 2017. She was then named an @FBIMostWanted terrorist and eloquent US officials declared that Tamimi's victims would never be forgotten and that @TheJusticeDept would "continue

to remain vigilant until Ahlam Aref Ahmad Al-Tamimi is brought to justice".
It's now 5½ years later and she as well as her legions of fans continue to be sickeningly present in Arab media, regaling in the glory of the killings she executed and the shelter she gets in Jordan.

In August I wrote […] about the troubling - and mostly ignored - questions thrown up by Tamimi's celebrity and the bipartisan fecklessness of US political leaders. To be clear, few speak in her defense. She herself brags she did "the finest of deeds".

The free-as-a-bird Jordanian's message of lethal hatred gets wide attention in the Arab world. We and our efforts for justice certainly don't - and least of all in the US media.
Signing our petition can help bring our child's killer to US justice:

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