How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App fugitive bomber hosted her own toxic, made-in-Jordan terror-promoting TV show for 5 years. She remains a constant presence in the Arabic media. The photo below from @Facebook shows #AhlamTamimi happily present at a small gathering of admiring Jordanians in May 2024. daughter died at the hands of this woman. She's a terrorist serving #Hamas. Because my child was a US citizen, as were another two of the many slaughtered by #AhlamTamimi, she faces charges in Washington. But so long as Jordan's @KingAbdullahII keeps her safe, she stays free. how long can someone be an @FBIMostWanted fugitive and continue to live free, even appearing in its media, in a country that everyone somehow respects as a top-tier US ally and massive beneficiary of US aid? what? Jordan doesn't want the headache of handing over a mass-murdering felon? One who happens to be an icon, a celebrity, widely adored and never publicly criticized over there? Has someone decided the Jordanian street's embrace of antisemitic terror can veto US justice? of those who follow my wife @FrimetRoth or me or our joint account @ThisOngoingWar on Twitter know at least the basics of what brings us to be active in the social media. Others seeing this probably don't know why we want to waste their time. For them, this brief intro.'s 2017. The US invokes 1995 Jordan/US extradition treaty, requiring Jordan to hand @Sbarro bomber #AhlamTamimi over to face terror charges in DC. Jordan refuses and keeps her safe and free. @StateDept whispers that the treaty is valid. @POTUS insists Jordan's a dear friend. to years of cynical protection by Jordan, confessed bomber #AhlamTamimi is a pan-Arab media celebrity. Clever interviewers and ethically-challenged hosts 'forget' to ask Jordan's king, a frequent visitor to Washington, how Jordan justifies disavowing the 1995 treaty. no one at your level in seniority in today's @StateDepartment or those of the Trump and Obama administrations has ever acknowledged our existence, Mr @StateDeptSpox, I want to take this opportunity to introduce you to our child's killer, a Jordanian celebrity. at this moment. He's being honored in the Oval Office, the House and the Senate. In the US news media too. That's troubling because it's his tightly controlled regime that has thwarted US justice since the charges were unsealed in 2017. I'm infuriated by the empty video clip has never been included in any mainstream news report: #AhlamTamimi, the Jordanian woman who says openly, for the record, that she bombed the Jerusalem #Sbarro pizzeria and calls it "my operation". Watch the smile as she tells it.'s a shabby thing. On one hand, for the US she's one of only two women on the @FBIMostWanted terrorist list with a $5M reward on her head since 2018. On the other, Jordan shelters her, lets her live a free, unrestricted life in its capital. She's never been in hiding. just watched US Senate hearing into the appointment of an ambassador to Amman.