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Oct 26, 2022, 13 tweets

A little 🧵Based on reports from partisans and WEBINT and other #OSINT, we have put together a list of locations where Iranians have reportedly been spotted recently. Most of these sightings take place in Crimea, although also Belarus seems to be a hotspot

Russia is using the Ukrainian peninsula to launch Iranian-made kamikaze drones on civilian infrastructure in the southern part of Ukraine, main targets seem to be civilian targets such as the powergrid and municipal services.

Opuk Training Ground :
Partisan reports suggest that Iranians have been operating around this military facility. We were unable to observe any unusual activity in this area. However we will be keeping tabs on the area.

Kirovskoye Air Base :
Iranians have reportedly been sighted at this airbase in eastern Crimea. Recent activity can be observed at this airbase.

A new facility has been built on the airbase, consisting of new hangars. A possible ground control station is visible in this new facility. This facility is probably used for the operation of Kronshtadt Orion drones.

Iranian instructors were reported in the area around the local airbase by multiple sources. However, despite the intense activity on the airbase which is the main helicopter base in Crimea, no activity connected to the drones can be seen.

Mayak radar station :
Partisans pointed to the presence of Iranians in this area. Two probable Shahed-136 launchers can be seen deployed at a military facility here.Deployment of these launchers coincided in time with reports of 🇷🇺 aquiring these drones

We believe this location is the most likely candidate in Crimea for launching the drones that Russia uses to target vital infrastructure in Ukraine and specificly Odessa & Mykolaiv.. Soon we will release a follow-up 🧵 on this site

Kherson Oblast :
We have received information from a varity of sources, that Iranians may be operating around the town of Hladkivka and the port of Zaliznyi in the Kherson Oblast. Possible Iranians may be stationed here to instruction Russian drone operaters.

Belarus :
Iranians and Russians were reportedly seen in the village of Mikulichi in Belarus. Reports suggest that Russia is launching Iranian drones from this area towards Kyiv and other Ukrainian city's. We have not been able to confirm this information at this time.

Images courtesy of Planet Labs and Sentinel Hub.
The information regarding the locations was sourced here:………

If you have information that may be of use to our #OSINT investigations contact me via DM

Dont't forget to keep up to dat with our follow up's on this 🧵 , we will be keeping in touch with the latest news from the occupied territories and things happening on the frontlines!


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