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Oct 27, 2022, 16 tweets

An update for October 26th. #ukrdailyupdate

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In the Kupyansk area, Ukraine is attacking Kuzemivka (1). However, to my knowledge, their attacks to date have failed.

However, Ukraine has “advanced to” Dzherelne (2). I am not entirely sure what this means. Maybe Ukraine is actively attacking, possibly the town is contested, or perhaps it is liberated. Regardless, Russia seems rather upset about Ukraine being near this town.

The Kreminna area needs to be clarified. Russia claims to attack to the west, and perhaps they are, but Ukraine also appears to be advancing east, especially in the direction of Chervonopopivka.

Russia is attacking all over the Bakhmut area without success.

North of Bakhmut, they are attacking Bilohorivka (3), Soledar (4), and Bakhmutske (5).

They are attacking Bakhmut itself (6,7).

South of Bakhmut, they are attacking Ivanhrad and Opytne (8), Andriivka (9), and Kurdyumivka (10).

Russia is actively attacking in several directions in the general Donetsk area.

East of Avdiivka, they are attacking Kamyanka (11).

Around Pisky, they are attacking Vodyane (12), Pervomaiske (13), and Nevelske (14). I do not have anything to say about these attacks today, but I hope to say more tomorrow.

To the west of Donetsk, Russia is attacking Krasnohorivka (15), Marinka (16), and Novomykhailivka (17).

Due to the terrain, Russia cannot launch a strong attack on Krasnohorivka until they capture Pervomaiske and Nevelske.

Marinka is practically impossible to attack at this point due to 8 years of heavy shelling.

They have had little to no success attacking Novomykhailivka over the past several months.

Earlier today, I made a thread about Russian soldiers seizing houses and school buildings around Zaporizhzhia and Luhansk.

Here is an example of what happens when you don't maintain your artillery barrel.

And here is a thread about the situation around Svatove.

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