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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

Oct 28, 2022, 9 tweets

A few thoughts on Trump likely return to Twitter now that Elon Musk runs this place

Let's not cry over spilled milk. Twitter is likely going to change & to many Elon's changes will make Twitter seem worse. But that is life. It is still by far the most powerful platform for us

Assuming Trump returns... what would that do?


Yes. Let Trump Be Trump!

He cannot damage us. In four years - as President - on Twitter, Trump did not get Speaker Pelosi to lose. DEMs picked up seats BOTH election cycles 2018 & 2020

Same in Senate. Trump LOST

As to Trump being able to use Twitter to his own power. He lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016 by 3 million votes. He lost to President Joe Biden in 2020 by 7 million votes. This was before his suspension. That's how bad Trump is at using Twitter to an advantage


Trump cannot hurt us, as in Team Blue

Trump does damage the GOP. Look at Liz Cheney just now. A formidable conservative from a safely red state. She was the leading woman Republican in the House. Trump used his power to damage a Republican. Let Trump Be Trump!

Trump is a petulant child. He is an imbecile. He only cares about revenge. He cannot hurt any Democrats. He cannot hurt those who were 'Never Trumpers'. The only people Trump can hurt, are Republicans now in power. He keeps damaging them. Including his moron candidates for Senate

When Trump was on Twitter as the SITTING President, he never got anywhere near number of Obama's followers who was the PAST President. When Trump was kicked off Twitter he had 88 million followers. He will never get back to those numbers if he now returns #LetTrumpBeTrump


But Trump has a loyal base of supporters, many of whom are here on Twitter. He will instantly get to about 20 million maybe 30-40 million followers. It gives Trump CRUSHING power in social media to go after...

....Republicans. Like Death Santis & #MoscowMitch

As to Twitter? We stay on, we use this like in past election cycles to help drive our messages & organize our team

We have an election coming. Go volunteer. If you want to do something else? Contribute to a good race. And then.. get your friends to also volunteer

Let's win this

PS if you did not know which race is worth your extra effort?

Here are 7 Senate races that are so close we can win them. And they decide who controls the Senate (who gets to pick judges for next years). This can help you get started:

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