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Oct 29, 2022, 15 tweets

An update for October 28th. #ukrdailyupdate

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Many attacks are in progress, so the news is incomplete.

In the Kupyansk area, there were rumors today of a Ukrainian breakthrough. However, I do not see evidence to support this claim. Ukraine is attacking east toward Mykolaivka (1) and Kyslivka (2), but they have not broken the Russian defenses.

There is heavy fighting going on around Kuzemivka (3). It is unknown whether Ukraine’s attack is successful, but there are likely high casualties to both attackers and defenders.

Ukraine repelled a Russian attack near Andriivka (4).

Wargonzo claims Ukraine is attacking Chervnopopivka and Pishchane (5). This area contains a hill that Russia dug into several days ago (A). Ukrainian control over this hill would allow them to control most of the P66 highway.

Near Siversk, Russia attacked Bilohorivka again without success.

North of Bakhmut, Russia attempted to break through the Ukrainian defenses near the other Bilohorivka (6). They failed to do so. Separate from this attack, Russia attacked all of the same standard areas north of Bakhmut.

Russia attacked all of the familiar areas south of Bakhmut.

Ukraine fired HIMARS into Pervomaisk, reportedly hitting a building full of Wagner.

In the Donetsk area, Russia attacked all of the familiar places.

Today, Russia had limited success attacking Opytne (7) and Vodyane (8), establishing control over the outskirts and some areas within the towns.

Russia launched a minor attack on Vremivka, near Velyka Novosilka (9).

In the south, Ukraine is attacking Kostyantynivka (10) and Pyatykhatky (11). These are minor attacks.

Ukraine reportedly hit Bilmak, presumably with a missile, given the distance from the front line, although it could be MLRS. Rumors suggest significant damage to Russian forces.

Ukraine reportedly hit the area near Antonovskiy Bridge, perhaps barges, and the Nova Kakhovka dam with HIMARS. Russians claim they shot down the missiles with air defense, but that seems unlikely.

Ukraine reportedly destroyed an ammo warehouse in Maksyma Horkoho.

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