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Oct 29, 2022, 9 tweets

Today's Finnish #vatnik is a former powerlifter turned politician and evangelist,Ano Turtiainen (.@TurtiainenAno). Since 🇷🇺's invasion of 🇺🇦,Ano has become a proponent of Putin's politics. He has spoken against all 🇷🇺 sanctions and has criticized "war crimes committed by 🇺🇦". 1/9

His views are also anti-NATO and anti-EU.Ano himself has said that he would like 🇫🇮 politics to be similar to Trump/US doctrine.His rhetoric follows the typical 🇷🇺 disinfo playbook:the decadence of West,conservatism,corruption of 🇺🇦,NATO's "proxy war" & COVID-19 conspiracies 2/9

Nowadays all of this is also decorated with religious babble and declaration of the end times. He has also stated that everyone who gets the COVID-19 vaccination will die in the near future and has compared the whole event to Holocaust. 3/9

Initially Ano was part of the True Finns group,but was sacked after he shared a mocking image of George Floyd on Twitter. After this, he started another party, Valta Kuuluu Kansalle (VKK;"Power to the People") and chose ex-MP James Hirvisaari (.@JHirvisaari) as his assistant. 4/9

People have been speculating that Hirvisaari is the mastermind behind Ano's adorable speeches. James was also fired from True Finns in 2013. He once invited a well-known 🇫🇮 far-right figure Seppo Lehto (see image below) to the Finnish Parliament. 5/9

VKK mostly consists of 🇷🇺 apologists who share the same views as Turtiainen. Ironically, Ano has also limited the power inside VKK to a very small group - I guess the "power to the people" doesn't apply in all situations. 6/9

Ano is also a convicted criminal. In 2015, he published a post on FB inciting the destruction of Finnish immigration centers and encouraged people to act against the Finnish Red Cross. For this, he was convicted of incitement to criminal behavior. 7/9

He later commented that among True Finns this conviction is only a "feather in his cap". Ano has also been convicted three times of battery. In 2010, he was convicted of assaulting a 14-year old boy. His previous battery convictions are from 1995 and 1997. 8/9

Turtiainen has had many businesses and most of them have failed. His powerlifting-related company, Gometal Oy, filed for bankruptcy in March 2022. He also owns a snack bar called Wiikinki Grilli, but apparently it's been closed, too. 9/9

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