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Oct 30, 2022, 23 tweets

#BREAKING Polls close in Brazil's down-to-wire presidential election

Results from the electronic vote are expected in around two hours

#UPDATE With about half of polling stations reporting, Brazil's far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro and veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva are neck and neck in their presidential election runoff.

#BREAKING Brazil's Lula wins presidential runoff: official result

#UPDATE Brazil's veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva won a new term as president on Sunday, capping a remarkable political comeback to defeat far-right incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in a deeply divisive, down-to-the-wire runoff election.

#UPDATE Brazil's president-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva calls for "peace and unity" in victory speech, says the country no longer an international pariah

#BREAKING Putin congratulates Lula, hopes for "constructive cooperation": Kremlin

#UPDATE "Please accept my sincere congratulations... the election results have confirmed your impressive political authority," Putin said in a telegram to Lula, according to the Kremlin

#BREAKING EU's chief diplomat Borrell congratulates Lula on election win

#UPDATE "Brazilian citizens went to the polls to elect their new president in a peaceful and well-organised election," Josep Borrell tweeted

#BREAKING Spain hails Lula win as chance to work for 'social justice, against climate change'

#UPDATE "Congratulations Lula on your victory.. Let's work together for social justice, equality and against climate change," Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez tweeted

#BREAKING Berlin says Lula victory is win for democracy, climate

#BREAKING Britain's Sunak says looks forward to working with Lula

#UPDATE Congratulations poured in for Brazilian president-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who called for "peace and unity" after narrowly winning a divisive runoff election

#BREAKING China says ready to take Brazil ties 'to new level' after Lula election

#UPDATE "We are willing to work with the new Brazilian government led by Lula to take the China-Brazil comprehensive strategic partnership to a new level," said foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian as he wished the country "new successes".

#UPDATE Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated Luiz Inacio #Lula da Silva on his victory in Brazil's presidential election, saying he looked forward to deepening ties.

#BREAKING Norway to resume aid halted to Brazil over deforestation after #Lula victory: government

#UPDATE Norway, which halted Amazon protection subsidies to Brazil in 2019 under Bolsonaro's presidency, will resume its collaboration with Brasilia following the victory of #Lula da Silva in presidential elections, Norway's environment minister told @AFP.

"This country needs peace and unity," Lula said to loud cheers in a victory speech in Sao Paulo. And, "the challenge is immense," he said of the job ahead.
All eyes will now be on how Bolsonaro and his supporters react to the result.

A tense Brazil awaited Jair Bolsonaro's next move Monday, as the far-right incumbent remained silent after losing a razor-thin runoff presidential election to veteran leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva - who now faces a tough to-do list.
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#UPDATE Truckers and other protesters blocked some highways in Brazil on Monday in an apparent protest over the electoral defeat of far-right President Jair Bolsonaro to leftist Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, authorities said #Brazilelections

#BREAKING Biden affirms strong US-Brazil ties in call with Lula: W.House

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