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workers of all lands unite / proletarios del mundo uníos / proletaris de tots els països, uniu-vos / Herrialde guztietako proletarioak, elkar zaitezte

Oct 30, 2022, 10 tweets

Count started in Brazilian presidential election 2nd round. Bolsonaro is expected to be ahead at the beginning.

Opinión polls for the 2nd round of the Brazilian presidential election were giving Lula a 4 point advantage over Bolsonaro, but opinion polls underestimated Bolsonaro's vote in the first round. #Eleicoes2022

With over 50% of the polling stations counted, Lula and Bolsonaro are very close, with Lula increasing its percentage and Bolsonaro decreasing his. #Brazilelections #Eleicoes2022

With 68% of polling stations counted Lula is ahead of Bolsonaro and the trend is for Lula to increase the advantage. #Eleicoes2022

83% counted, Lula is ahead of Bolsonaro but the difference is less than one percentage point. #Eleicoes2022 #Brazil

#LulaPresidente2022 has won the Brazilian presidential election in the 2nd round. With 98.5% of polling stations counted he is ahead of far right president Bolsonaro by 2 million votes. That settles it. #ELEICOES2022

The second round of the Brazil presidential election was marked by an unprecedented campaign of fake news by Bolsonaro, widespread attempts at voter suppression by the Highway Police, violence. In the end Lula won, but by a very narrow margin.

Far right Bolsonaro's defeat and Lula's victory is being rightly celebrated in the streets. However a word of warning is necessary:
-Lula's runing mate is pro-business pro-austerity Alckim
- Bolsonaro's is the largest party in Congress

... is not clear if Bolsonaro will recognise his defeat and Lula's victory, he threatened to do a "Trump" and that could lead to violence. Lula promised "fiscal responsibility" which in the context of capitalist crisis means austerity and attacks on the working class....

... a battle has been won, but in order to get fundamental change the struggle needs to continue, in the streets, in the workplaces, in the neighbourhoods and in the schools and universities through strikes and occupations as @EM_CMI pointed out:…

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