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UFO historian/archivist , 30+yrs (10yr FT) studying the phenomena. Interest: Geology, Arch/Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology

Nov 2, 2022, 16 tweets

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Today In History - Cennina CE3 Landing Case
November 1, 1954 - Cennina, Italy
1/6:30 a.m. Rosa Lotti Dainelli sets out for the church at the castle of Cennina, Arezzo, Italy. As she passes through a wooded area, she sees a

2/spindle-shaped object standing upright next to a cypress tree. It has two portholes and a little door, through which she can see two chairs. Two little men come out from behind the object; they are dressed in gray suits, cloaks that come down to their waists, and red helmets.

3/They speak in an unintelligible language and snatch flowers from her hands and throw them inside the UFO. Dainelli flees, glancing back only once. [Eberhart]
Cover of "La Domenica del Corriere" November 14, 1954;
Article in the weekly "Tutti" of November 14, 1954;

Sources cont.:
Sketch of the object published by "Il Giornale del Mattino";
David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1954-123 (A0331);
Verga, Maurizio (2006). ITACAT - Il catalogo italiano degli atterraggi UFO. Torino: UPIAR;

Sources cont.:
“Now They’re In Italy.” Life (November 29, 1954): 133–34;
Gross, Loren E. UFOs: A History—1954: November–December. Fremont, CA: The Author, 1991;
Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 241, case # 324;

Sources cont.:
Jerome Clark, "Cennina CE3",The UFO Encyclopedia 3rdEd,pg.228–229;
Conti, Sergio. “The Cennina Landing of 1954.” Flying Saucer Review 18, no. 5 (September/October 1972): 11–15;

Sources cont.:
Pinotti, Roberto. “The Italian Scene, 1947–1987: A Roundup.” In MUFON 1987 UFO International Symposium Proceedings, edited by Walter H. Andrus Jr. and Richard H. Hall, 13–38;
Notiziario UFO 7(44), 11-15;
Notiziario UFO 13(77), 10-15;

Società Cooperativa Dramatica Filarmonica di Ambra, “Incontro con umanoidi di Rosa Dainelli nei Lotti”…

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Cennina 1954
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THE CASE OF ROSA LOTTI 1954, Cennina, province of Arezzo

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